Happens during summer when everyone stops respond to messages and ignores you. It's a tuff season
Damn a nigga really lonely the summer effect must've kicked in
A really fast runner who will always be there to ruin the group convo
Dang that went downhill fast, such a summer peoples
ThIS is when you lose your virginity during the summer break, not the same if you out of grade school.
Dude did you even have a summer wummer this year like everyone already did bro!
ThiS is when you lose your virginity during summer break, not the same if your out of any sort of school.
DUDE did you even have your summer wummer this year, like everyone already did.
The banged up knees children get when playing outside in shorts and dresses that don’t protect their knees from cuts and abrasions. It’s a wonderful phase for I absolving parents of the guilty from inevitable summer injuries.
Example: “How did Leroy cut his knee?” (With the suggested guilt implied of weren’t you watching him and why haven’t you bandaged it yet?)
Parent response: “Oh, he just has summer knees.”
Excellent phrase for free-range parents to know.
Summer Staples is a massive simp for her partner and Wilbur Soot.
friend: Hey have you met Summer Staples
me: yeah they are a simp
Summer Belle is a kind gentle person she is often known for her beauty and obsessions (often with a fictional character) she has good music taste and probably has light brown hair and is loved by nearly every person she meets, she has good
friends and is popular at school, she often associated with her good vocabulary and her dry sense of humour
Summer belle (girls name)
Summer-sunny season
Belle-beautiful in French