I told him to come in the room, he sat down on me and pulled off both his and my clothes. We were on the bed, he started putting his dick in my vagina, I moaned. I felt some warm liquid in my pussy. He has cummed. I stick my finger in, bring it out and swallow it, I felt different. I had to tell him. “I think... I think I’m pregnant.” I whispered in his ear. “Oh shit,” he said. And it was all over.
A way of showing your place in the world. (The better your sex the higher you rank.) So a fat guy could have great sex and be accepted by fashion models.
How good is your sex? (Possibly asked by a girl at a bar)
Sex is awesome it’s with someone you love dearly and you just started gotten it off and it happened you guys love eachother and you guys wanna make baby’s but if your a weirdo and you just do it to see someone’s ass or boobs or Leno’s then your a sicko I’m sorry but it’s true
Guy 1Dude last night I had a one night stand with this awesome sexy ass girl
guy2 how was the sex did you lick her real good?
guy1 yeah about that I made her pregnant I like her vagina to much and her big ass and boobs
Something you would do with your mom
Mom,may i have sex with out tonight?
A very fun thing to do.
Ex. Hey baby wanna have sex later? I said How about now sugar dick my gf replied. I quickly removed my clothes and found i had a huge boner. Ohhhhh yessss i like that boner she said. Lemme suck ur cock dry! As she finished sucking my dick I pushed her against the wall and began suckering her big juicy tits. Ohhhhhh yesssssss daddy she said. Then i took off her thing and began licking her pussy clean. She screamed with delight. I then inserted my long 7.5 inch dick into her tight ass pussy. Ohhhh fuck she screamed. i want more daddy! We continued to fuck all night.
“Hey daddy wanna have sex?” she asked.
When there is two people 1 boy one girl, and the boy puts his penis in the girls vagina, or girl suck on boys penis/boy eats girls vagina
Person one: ooh I got cum all over ur pussy
Person two: it’s ok, this SEX is great