What the 'Urban Dictionary' logo looks like if you squint real hard
"I got banned"
"How do you know?"
"I saw my name on the Ur Ban Dictionary"
A insult associate with the phrases , ur mom gay ur dad lesbian ur granny a tranny, etc. But calling Someone’s daughter gay can give them cancer
Michael: ur dad gay
Jackson: ur daughter gay
Michael *gets Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
even worse than ur granny tranny or ur pappy trappy, the one who gets insulted dies in the moment
Viv: ur mom gay
L: ur pappy trappy
Viv: ur momma a pappa
L: *instantly dies, creates an alternate universe and earth explote*
It is worse than ANY INSULT in the world.
John:Ur mom gay
Carl:ur dad lesbian
John:your granny granny
John dies and is now sent to planet X-790
Ur hamster homo is the best insult to end any argument.
The ultimate roast, conquers ur granny tranny. Be warned, is lethal so use with caution
John: ur granny tranny
Rick: ur grandpap a trap
John:*every atom in his body is violently ripped apart causing an explosion that knocks out a city block*
Only the most intellectual people use this
U :u gay ha
Me: ur bro a hoe
one of the worst insults you could give a man, far worse than “ur mom gay”, “ur dad lesbian” and “ur granny tranny”. using this will end someone
ryan: ur mom gay
paul: no u
ryan: well, UR GRAMP TRAMP
paul: *dies*