yoselin. yoselin. yes ....you yoselin. especially you. you're the most alpha-est person out there but also very graceful like a powerful yet elegant fairy. yoselin. you ARE the ONLY alpha fairy wolf out there.
"mirror mirror on the wall who is the most alpha fairy wolf out of them all?"
"you are YOSELIN."
yoselin. yes you yoselin. yoselin. yos....e....lin. yes YOU. YOU ARE THE STRONGEST ALPHA FAIRY WOLF OUT THERE. YOU ARE THE ONLY ALPHA FAIRY WOLF OUT THERE. you are the best.
"mirror mirror on the wall...whos the most alpha fairy wolf of them all?"
"you are YOSELIN."
On Feb 28 anyone named star MUST send anyone named wolf a foot pic
Hey star guess what
Its Star sends feet pic to wolf day
A group of young professionals who seek out daily to make sure they always have tickets available to all of the best shows.
I got great ticks for Pearl Jam from The Ticket Wolf.
The equivalent of a hot dude who can go to an airport and pick up a girl to hook up with.
Gets drunk at bars
Is " Legen- wait for it- Dary"
Is cool as shit
The best person on the planet, hands down.
Devon Wolfe should be the next world leader. Best
Teddy Wolfe - He's so organic and raw like "Adam Driver".