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South Euclid high school

Shit hole

If You go two South Euclid high school you are a piece of shit

by Meat sticker April 20, 2015

Sister Mary Patricia Russell Junior High

The best junior high school of Grand Bahama, ranging from grade 7-9 and provides a good environment, good students and most importantly, a good education.

Mom: I wanna send you to Sister Mary Patricia Russell Junior High.

Son: Why?

Mom: It's the best junior high school.

Son: But mom, I wanna go Jacks.


Son: Fine.

by Don't know me, leave me alone June 5, 2024

D. W. High

This is what ticket you'll be getting if you drive around under the influence of Cannabis!

I was so stoned i drove through a red light and got a D. W. High

by The Moonlighter January 5, 2022

DW High

What you get in New York State when driving under the influence of Marijuana!

If you caught driving high, you’re gonna get a DW High!

by The Moonlighter January 1, 2022

High Glizzy

When 2 guys get high and do weird stuff

Yo bro wanna get high glizzy?

by Higher Glizz February 8, 2022

Mechanicsville "High" School


I'm so Mechanicsville "High" School right now

by Poppin pop May 19, 2021

kings high school

either consists of hot gays or foot ball players who bark at the hot gays, or horrible mullets. there is no in between
decent school, lots of passive aggressive staff
every other day bitches get caught for drugs, they even locked the bathroom doors open 💀

hey you go to kings high school?”

by deez nuts in ur moms mouth September 28, 2021