Source Code

Ol Bin laden

When you blow a huge load of semen into a girl's eye, giving her a black eye.

Oh, I gave her the Ol Bin Laden last night!

by Jaytbar1127 May 3, 2011

the ol' snacktable

Using your spouse's body to store snacks for later consumption in bed.

After I got the T.V., Toaster Oven, and kegerator all I was missing was the ol' snacktable as she is at work and will not be home until later.

by stanforth December 7, 2010

'ol doll

Somebody's former partner

your 'ol doll looks like a dogs behind

by morgs & mitch July 8, 2006

ole jesper

Ole Jesper is the definition of the ultimate soulmate. The one you can’t live without.

Omg! I really think he’s my ole Jesper ..

by Hannah chewet November 23, 2021

Buddy ol’ Pal

Licking from front to back in one swift motion.

When ones partner wins the trick and you say, “Good Job buddy ol’ pal.”

by Lair’s Table January 22, 2021

`1qaz2sx3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm8ik,ol.0p;./-['=]7410/8520*963.-+

you know what
fuck you

*proceeds to make a whole fucking paragraph*
`1qaz2sx3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm8ik,ol.0p;./-'=7410/8520*963.-+
get a `1qaz2sx3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm8ik,ol.0p;./-'=7410/8520*963.-+ mug for yo- no fuck off

Wake your ass up cause its time to go beast mode

`1qaz2sx3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm8ik,ol.0p;./-'=7410/8520*963.-+.

by 123456qwertyasdfghzxcvbn November 23, 2021


everything on the computer tiped like this\\\\\\\\\\\\\

`1!qaz2@wsx3#edc4$rfv5%tgb6^yhn7&ujm8*ik,<9(ol.>0p;:/?-_{'"=+}\| you are too oOoOO oOoOO boredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredboredbored

by pattern on keyboard guy May 11, 2023