Source Code

Shit Stick

The sex organ of a homosexual.

When the bot boy pulled out he looked down and noticed his shit stick.

by zygmund July 27, 2003

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dumb as a stick

See dumb as a rock

Beth is dumb as a stick.

by Pete February 11, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

chocolate stick

An African American Males penis

Girl< Did you get what you wanted from kahlil on your date?

Girl2< Hell yeah, I had to get a taste of dat chocolate stick!

by shwstppn856 September 1, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

spirit stick

term used for a bong, a device usually used to smoke weed with.

cheers for the hit on the spirit stick

by e w January 11, 2008

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boong stick

a stick used by a boong to beat his/her children when they are "out of line", i.e. bathing or trying to clean themselves; any type of stick used to discipline someone

that fucking slag broke out the boong stick last night and fucking aced Mc

by heh March 25, 2003

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Night Stick

A stick used to restrain criminals by the police, or namely the LAPD.

They kicked and hit Rodney King with the Night Stick, or a.k.a the Johnny Stick and it had no affect on him

by Saints September 18, 2003

29๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

kike stick

an object to beat down jews, preferably a bat with rusty nails.

that greedy jew wouldn't cough up a dollar, so i'm gunna smash him up with the ol' kike stick i got in my basement.

by the mello December 2, 2007

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