To get pregnant, as in becoming a mom.
Girl: I totally got mommed by my boyfriend last night and we'll have a baby in 9 months.
Girl friends to girl: What does the EPT say? Did you get mommed.
Girl to guy: Let's get pregnant.
Guy: I'm going to mom you tonight in bed and we'll have a baby in 9 months.
A minivan that drives at extreme speeds and very recklessly through traffic, usually with an overly-stressed middle-aged suburban-dwelling mother of 4 kids that's running late to her 2nd son's soccer practice
Mike - "Did you see that Ford Windstar bobbing and weaving through traffic?"
Dan - "Yeah man, that was like a mom rocket!"
AJ - "She must be late to her kid's soccer practice."
A deadly weapon that is both melee and ranged. The slippers have high accuracy and aerodynamic while thrown flat. It can also attack with incredible speed due to the length of the weapon. It can also be used by other people it only has to be a slipper of a mother
child: Mom my brother hit me
Dad: Ok let me take your mom's slipper and teach him a lesson
A “mom prom” is when a mother chapperones her child’s prom and it’s more about the mom and her hideous dress. The mom was never invited to prom and she’s making up for not getting invited. The daughter or son is mortified by their mother, how she looks and acts at the prom.
The dress she was wearing made her look like she was a contestant from Toddlers and Tiaras. The dress had giant poofy sleeves, way too many sparkles and a ribbon tied in back. The dress made her look like she was going to a “mom prom”.
Something you call someone who tries to censor or control your online life so that you are more positive and non-judgmental of others.
Duke: Man, I saw what you commented on Janice's post of her in her bikini. Not nice. So she still has some baby fat. I think you should remove that comment and replace it with an encouraging compliment.
Buck: Whatever! She's kinda chunky and too pale! What are you, my online moms now? You want to hit it! Admit it!
Music, specifically within the Rap/Hip-Hop genre, that is appealing to "Moms." This predominately consists of artists such as Flo Rida, Pitbull, Iggy Azalea, etc.
Son: "Hey mom, can you put on some tunes?"
Mom: "Sure sweetie!"
*proceeds to insert 'Mom Rap' mix tape in CD player*
Mom and Son: "OOOOOOOOoooooh someTIIIIIIIIIIIMES I Get a GoooOOOD FEEEEElin' YEeeeeeAAah...."
Annoying middle-upper class lady. Picks up here kids at school every day with an SUV or minivan to lug them off to some kind of sports practice. Commonly uses any combination of the v-chip,ESRB, and movie ratings to make sure her kids don't hear any "language" or see any violence. Internet is a "no-no" other than going on kid learning games websites for 45 minutes every day. If someone says "a bad word" near her kids while she is with them, she will quickly cover their ears. Her vehicle usually has a a football sticker or bumper sticker like "My Child is an Honor Student at ________ Elementary School", but no one cares if your little retard of a child is an honor student. She only let's her kids listen to kid's music, old music or Christian music. She makes sure to drive real slow as she wants to protect her "angels" who still sit in a carseat at age 10. Her husband is her source of income.
Was in the grocery, picking up a copy of CS:GO and a dumb soccer mom comes by and yells at me for buying violent games, and proceeds to the topic of terrorism. I say "fuck off" and she then shouts "DON'T USE THAT LANGUAGE NEAR MY SON!" and proceeds to cover his ears. I check out and go home.