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slab donkey

A huge Atlantic flounder

Damn, chuck just caught himself a slab donkey

by Ivannahumparot March 14, 2018

Donkey Suckle

When a person/s gives a male oral sex but uses no tongue, lips, and/or gums, but only uses its teeth. The teeth scrap the penis until ejaculation from the pain. The person giving oral sex may eey-aww afterwards.

Austin received a Donkey Suckle from Caitlin and it wasn't even awkward afterwards.

by Poopmama18 November 17, 2013

Donkey scrunch

Having sex with a hooker that turns out to be a donkey

Guy 1: You hear about what happened to Steve last night?
Guy 2: ya man total donkey scrunch

by CBGOCPFTF November 2, 2011

Donkey Sombrero

The work friendly phrase to use instead of asshat (sitting on someones head).

Watch out for that new female boss. So she not offended lets give her an asshat and call it a donkey sombrero.

by ch8882002usnavy August 23, 2010

Donkey balls

The guy version of a cameltoe when your balls show

Wow finn has donkey balls

by Tommy Kuppinen March 13, 2020

rusty donkey

A rustic bar that is now closed.

What year did that rusty donkey close on Detroit Avenue?

by Rdore1277 October 14, 2015

Cross Donkey

A racist southern democrat.

Mortimer: "He might be a cotton picker, but he is better than that goddam Mormon."
Shanice: "Oh Mortimer, you ignorant cross donkey!"

by Joel Wanger August 7, 2012