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A word that can be used to describe someone or something in a negative way , usually used for people after them completing an unsuccessful action

-"Bro this girl has left me on delivered for 72 hours"

-"Yeah you're cooked"

-"my mum found the penjamin hidden under my pillow"

-"you're so unbelievably cooked"

by RastaMouse23 April 23, 2024


A way of saying fucked without cussing

Guy1: Dude, I got a 37% on this test and my parents want to see it!

Guy2: Oh man, bro you’re cooked

by Meme Lord1802 April 23, 2024


A word used to describe when someone is likely to lose some form of competition or game.

Troy: Bro I’m on his ass hit him for 60 he’s Cooked.
Isaiah: Got his ass.

by Winwesbla February 21, 2024


An old Jungian archetype is the idea of spirits coming from above (the heavens) and finding blood (human suffering). They are like chefs from burger king. To be cooked is the worst. Because that means you would have to have been prepared: gutted, seasoned, and put on a menu. To an angel that looks like your homies cheating you from something. People close to you, selling you for themselves. Cooked is when you're at your lowest

*His homies ran a train on his girl and opps are on his as* "bruh, I'm cooked"

by mr greaseballer January 10, 2024


"Cooked" is like saying someone's in serious trouble or facing big problems. It means their situation is not looking good, and there might not be a way to fix it. So, when your friend says, "you're cooked," they're telling you that things are not going well for you

Bro #1: bro it's so over for me, i didn't study for todays exam..
Bro #2: yeah you're cooked

by puszek January 30, 2024


When someone gets beat at something bad, demolished, pulverized and/or utterly destroyed.

Did you guys hear Mike and Kris straight up Cooked Deeanna and Anthony on the pool table?

by FargoMan July 24, 2024


The word could either be used as an adjective to describe someone who is in a bad situation when dating or as a verb to say that you have created something of value, something worth seeing.

1. As an adjective:
- A: Hey, did you see what he was wearing to his date today?
- B: Yeah, I've seen that horrifying monstrosity. He is absolutely cooked.

2. As a verb:
- A: Can I see your drawing?
- B: Sure, tell you what, I cooked. You are not ready for this.

by extraordinarilyintimatetocats April 22, 2024