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Top Kill

A politically expedient, but highly ineffective, response to a major crisis or disaster.

A top kill, Obamaโ€™s Earth Day speech boiled down to a photo op with a fighter jet and a call to drill for more offshore oil.

by NHTeach June 3, 2010

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Fresh kills

Nothing there is fresh or dead, it just smells rotten and dead.

Hold your nose til we get to the other side of Staten Island, the wind is a blowin today. Who the hell wants to play golf by Fresh Kills for several hours?

by Solid Mantis October 30, 2016

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Wombat Killing

A term that means to smoke weed, but disguised so people dont know what your talkin bout.

Yo, you wanna go Wombat killing with me?

You wanna kill some wombats later bro?

by Wafson November 4, 2010

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kill steak

great expensive steak

I'm going home to eat some kill steak and blaze.

by jowdyn January 6, 2010

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Kill Whore

A term used to describe someone who goes out of there way to get a kill. There actions usually result in death.

Nolan is such a kill whore.

by Bigounce May 25, 2017

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Kill Whore

A "Kill Whore" is a term referred to people who only go for kills in video games and do not play the objective. They tend to throw the team off as instead of trying to complete the goal of the specified game mode, they instead try to mop up as many kills as possible and more often than not the players team ends up losing because of it. This term can also simply be used to describe someone who tries to get as many kills as possible regardless of other important stats or just having fun.

Luke stop being a "Kill Whore" we need you to take the flag.

Ahh man that guy is "Kill Whoring" he isn't going on the point, we're probably gonna lose

This isn't even fun anymore, our entire team is "Kill Whoring"

by dereky March 3, 2021

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nude kill

to hit someone where it counts when in the nude

nude kill!

by mb.26 November 11, 2010

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