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Baiscally people who belive in Adolf Hitler's(worst than george W) beliefs even though that fucking pussy commited suicide. And they mostly have shaved heads and tucked in shirts. To wrap this definition up they all are a waste of society and life so quit hating and get along with other races.

Hye look at those fucking gay Neo-nazis

by gooooooooooo0gle bob October 1, 2006

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Gay Nazi

An insult used to acuse someone of bigotry, stupidity, anti semitism, douche-bagginess, and being an asshole in general.

My friend was acting like a fool, so i called him a gay nazi.
He responded with a confused expression then, a bitch slap.

by Russian Space Dog July 2, 2011

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Nike Nazi

People who are butthurt about a shoe ad to the point where they have threaten to fine/fires employees and burn their Nike shoes

β€œHey man, that dude will not stop staring at your Nikes, I think he’s a Nike Nazi”

by Gingersnap322 September 8, 2018

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Bag Nazi

rude and unpleasant staff employed by Ryanair, the Irish airline that takes bad service and cheesy offers to new heights, to ensure that passengers only take 1 bag of less than 10 kilos on the plane. More than 1 bag or a bag over 10 kilos has to be checked in at an exorbitant cost - a penalty. Theories abound that the Bag Nazis are on commision for the amount of people they can penalise on any one flight. Not even the smallest handbag nor a bag of duty free goodies can be brought on in addition to your one regulation bag.

Bag Nazi "Madam that handbag hidden under your coat has to be put into your bag"
Ryanair Passenger "What that tiny piece of leather with a strap that holds just my lipstick". Bag Nazi "Yes... its the 1 bag policy. Take it off you and put in in your one bag or else you will have to check in that tiny piece of leather at a charge of Β£50" Ryanair Passenger OK but that seems really unfair and illogical... what ever Bag Nazi

by Coleenforme August 20, 2012

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Texture Nazi

Someone who can eat the most amazing food they've ever tasted in their life but still not like it because "they don't like the texture".

How can you not love those eggs?! you're such a texture nazi.

by BrandonPackard August 5, 2020

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Woman Nazi

a woman who wants to go and fuck all the men and want the government man to kill themselves

Suzy: That man over there should just go and kill himself.

Amanda: Suzy calm the fuck down you Woman Nazi

by shitfictions February 17, 2018

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data nazi

An Information Tech person or computer geek who seeks to control all data within an organization and, thereby becomes an obstruction to others trying to share the data.

There is a work stoppage at the company because the data nazi won't allow people to send encrypted info on-line. She's overly conscientious about maintaining confidentiality.

by Abha Quimba April 24, 2009

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