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When your lawyer makes an excuse for why it is o.k. for you to prevent a law being carried out because you are not ready to plead the 5th amendment! And thinks you as President are above the law!

The President did not commit obstruction of justice the tweet was not his on his account it belonged to his attorney!

by SharkyCA December 5, 2017


Someone who will deliberately try to be unhelpful for self satisfaction.

He was obstructive in his description of where he was, so he watched the delivery driver go round three times before he found him.

by goonermum September 25, 2015


(n) An administrator of the typical sort, who rose to power more through ambition, aggression and connections than through skill, education or intelligence, and who does more to obstruct than to facilitate the functioning and operations of the institution.

The obstructicator was proud of the new forms he had created to cover every possible activity that could be carried out in his department.

by Heptune May 18, 2005

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obstruction of cop

A crime a (bad) cop charges you because they believe the presence of a badge means that all civilians must comply with all of said cop's orders. Legally, this is not obstruction of a police officer, as that requires the order to be lawful, hence differentiating obstruction of a police officer from obstruction of cop.

Cst. O'Pig: I said GIVE ME YOUR ID
Anonymous Person: I am not legally required to, by the 4th Amendment.
Cst. O'Pig: I'll have to arrest you
A. Person: You can't do that, what for?
Cst O'Pig: Obstruction of a police officer
A. Person: That's not obstruction of a police officer, that's obstruction of cop

by Stickololo April 12, 2020

vaginal obstruction

the equivilent of "cock block", but in terms of females

if a girl is trying to flirt with a guy, and someone tries to interfere, therefore obstructing their vagina - vaginal obstruction

by melkayz September 6, 2010

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inteslanal obstruction

n. Blockage of the road system caused by presence of too many electric cars.


Dude! We are never gonna get to the Monster Truck Jam!

I know. There is a Greenpeace Summit in town and an inteslanal obstruction from here to the interstate.

I kind of get a charge out of those guys.

Really? You really said that.

by hardyharhar1 March 15, 2013

Obstruction of Justice

an action that takes years of practice and is only Mastered by a few. There is only one person so far that has mastered this action. President Donald Trump

Donald Trump insists on self impeaching with obstruction of justice.

by datgv September 25, 2019

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