1: The best possible high you can get from a drug without an OD
2: A drug high so good that it becomes impossible to achieve it again
Bro: Hey dude, I'm gonna try to get a Heroin Acme High, wanna do it with me? Dude: U crazy Bro...
Flicking open a public toilet door with a high kick so you don’t have to touch the handle
There is no way I’m touching that... either we wait for some one to come in or I gonna kick it with a Dunny High Flick
School located in Jersey Village, Texas
It's okay but theres a lot of fighting
Matthew: I'm going to a WWE game tonight
Emma: Why? We go to Jersey Village High School
Bunch of skets who think they are the shit
' Them lot' Think they are the shit
Norbury high school for girls
A group of idiots who somehow got their filthy little hands on some instruments and hey, they ain’t that bad. They’re tigs. #skotigs . Known instruments are violin, slightly bigger violin, chello and a massive box thing.
Well, EHS has choir, marching band, symphonic band, jazz bad, and the other thing... yea Erie High School orchestra.
When doing a long and tedious task with a partner or 2 ,the group gets bored. The two find each others attempts to entertain each other much funnier and act high.
Bro studying today for 6 hours with you we were laughing n shit. We had Boredom high for sure.
1👍 2👎
Go to Carbon high school if you want fake friends! Also if you want to watch weekly fights between kids. If you want to date a hoe go there, or a whore you will find many players and fuck boys/ girls at this school. Carbon is getto as fuck
If you want to find a fuckbuddy go to carbon high school