Source Code

terrorist attacks

When two planes from Logan airport flew into the Twin towers.

Where were you when it happened????!!!!

by Anonymous July 17, 2003

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sneak attack

to cum on someone

Wow, it 's a sneak attack !

by rabbit April 15, 2003

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birac attack

when a chick knows her role and opens her a-hole.

man that hoe got a birac attack

by Mike March 19, 2005

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Rat Attack

First, Rat meaning; a diturbingly ugly person.
Therefore, Rat Attack meaning; An Attack by an extremely viciously ugly person.

Person 1: "Oi did you see that rat attack in the mall?"

by Rat Attack January 26, 2008

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hack attack

a sexy teacher with huge sandwich lips.

he just gave me a hack attack!

by laney4662 May 2, 2008

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shart attack

That tingling sensation you get in your legs as a consequence of sitting on the toilet for too long, similar to tingling one might get in their arms as a warning of an incoming heart attack.

"Man, that was an unpleasant bathroom experience. I'm totally having a shart attack."

by JohnnyQuest August 7, 2012

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mack attack

1) When ones virtuous nature becomes a severe and complete vice unto others

2) Surprise Trolling/Spam, (the coherence of which is often disputed) in a collection of incoherent spams/trolls. Usually involves bringing back something completely worthless or of insignificant value, in a string of worthless attempts at references or personal history, to shame/bring glory to someone/thing.

3) The first two combined

also known as Cryptic internet trolling
i.e. 'Message Authentication Code'
(hence 'Mack' attack)

in general, this internet technique is dualistic in nature and will half the user's social & IRL life span, upon use.

IRL circumstances you are considered insane


<will> hi mack
<mack> I am so totally going to
<mack> knock back a 100g for will
<mack> I told u I was hardcore
<mack> benzos, restoril
<Zephism> lol
<mack> for a weekend of fun
* wahrheit sets mode +b *@*.AOL
* wahrheit kicked mack (Ripper is half a decade old, Fuck off).
<Zephism> klonopins
<Zephism> haha, mack attacked


<garian> hey mack
<mack> hey garian,
<mack> so I got Z-lined from slacknet
<garian> hahahaha
<mack> Dragon ball Z-lined
<garian> :(
<garian> mack...
<CHz> I hope you die
<mack> >:(
* mack has quit IRC (Dreams do come true >:()

by Gooberjoob September 6, 2008

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