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Community College

A crappy educational institution where virtually anyone can enter. Pretty much any nutcase or dumbass can join. Most people in community colleges are butthurt wannabe SJWs that are ultra politically correct to the point of retardation, but however, people such as rednecks, hillbillies, racists and other morons can also join.

Community colleges are infested with SJWs, rednecks with low IQ scores and other atrocities.

by Wahrsager350 July 22, 2015

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

college bum

This is one of those kids you know mooches off mother and father. Preferably for laundry every two weeks, meals, money, the whole shebang. Has a decent job, but finds that the luxuries of mum and pop are just too good to give up just yet.

John: "Hey, where you going for the weekend?"
Kevin: "'Rents house. I'm just gonna college bum it at their place, I need clothes cleaned soon anyway."

by shelac attack August 4, 2010

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

ruskin college

Oxford's non-university, right-on, lefty college for older students.

You study at Ruskin? Wow!

Err..wel, aktully i doo politiks at ruskin collige.

by Miles Pieri January 23, 2004

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

sierra college

High School 2.0 for people who are to lame to go to a real college. It usually takes more than 10 years to get your "2 year degree".

sierra student: Dude, I'll drive by your 4 year university in a hecka expensive car when I graduate from sierra college.
real college student: Ok, I'll see you in 30 years.

by dogod November 19, 2007

25πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Albion College

A shit hole liberal arts college in the middle of nowhere Michigan aka Albion. The surrounding city is a ghetto. The school itself is full of drunk pot heads who think they're the shit cause mom and pop foot the bill for everything, including their half-assed Albion "education". You literally pay for your degree at this "liberal arts college". The administration wants to beef up the sports program, but fails to remind themselves that they're a division 3 school. The majority of the students (besides being white) are from Grosse Pointe, MI...and it shows.

And always remember when choosing a frat for a party: No Delt after dark!

Banner: 'Albion College: Always Thinking.'

Student: "More like - Albion College, Alway Drinking."

by ShipToShore October 25, 2010

54πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Manhattan College

A private catholic college located in the northwest part of the Bronx known as Riverdale, which is mainly compromised of Jews. Students are predominantly white, except for the basketball players and are famous for their drunkenness and female drama queens. Mainly know for it's engineering school, there is often competition between the engineers and the other majors because the engineers are jealous they can't have any fun. Food is terrible and most of the cafeteria workers are ex-convicts hired so the school can get a tax break. Where the school lacks in minorities the teaching staff makes up for it (good luck finding a professor that speaks English). Security is sadly retarded and as in the case of the cafe workers, are also ex-cons. Don’t expect a good job once you’re out but weird faces when you answer the question β€œwhere’d you go to school?” from potential employers. The average John D. wears a popped collar and acts like a metrosexual. Overall it’s a good place if you can drink massive amounts of natural light.

Look another drunk Irish getting off at 242nd street, must be going to Manhattan College.

by Tron Stevens September 14, 2005

94πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž

Hastings College

A small, private liberal arts college in South Central Nebraska.
A bastian of semi-liberalism in the middle of a red state. Mainly made up of kids from the suburbs of Omaha, Denver and Kansas City.

I went to Hastings College, got a B.A. in History and so I kind of feel obligated to go to Grad School.

by Kid Zero January 28, 2009

17πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž