It is a adult toy that men and woman use to put in their vagina and or anus to simulate having sexual intimacy
I just used my dildo and I have a orgasem
A small gray floating man with no mose that gives you money
Violette: Hey’! Theres a dildo!
Britney: where?!
Violette: in the corner!
Britney: oh i see him!
Violette: lets go get his money!
Britney: hell yeah
Things that enhance your gaming ability and go over your controllers thumbstick
Rage: “Ayo bro I lost my dildos i don’t think ima be able to shoot very well”
Kai: “Fuck bro you lost your dildos damn it’s Ight buy some new ones tomorrow”
DILDO- Democrat In Legal Designation Only
Sinema is a DILDO. She votes with Republicans most of the time.
A toy dick that people stick up their coochie… 😎
Women: that dildo is SO big…. Bigger than my husbands wee wee😩
A long rubber toy used by women to fill their pussy
I'm horny, let me stick my dildo in me
A guy normally named Dillon or Dylan who uses girls for sex. They normally have slept with over 20 girls.
Girl: Hey do you know Dillon.
Other girl: yea he is a dildo.