Northern Irish slang for beating someone up
If he doesn't stop slabbering about my ma ill kick his fuck in
the act of rushing into somebodies house for their wrong doing, trashing their house and beating up anyone inside just for pure revenge
did he just speak about your mum?
oi you man, let’s crash his yard
Vomiting, especially in public.
"Did you see how wasted Mike was last weekend? He spent the whole night yelling at his shoes. "
November 28th is give a girl you hoodie and give a boy your scrunchie day!
Hey, your crush is waiting for a scrunchie for his hoodie!
A specific form of male masturbation where you slap your dick from side to side between each hand until the preg nog is released. (Technique usually hits its usage peak from around December 1st through December 7th.
Dan got so inspired while baking sensually enticing pancakes for breakfast on December 1st that he decided to Flap his JackJack before sitting down to a nice meal.
The act of sucking your own dick.
No date, no problem. His every Saturday night was taken by staying home and blowing his horn.
Used to describe anal sex in the presence of mixed company.
"Mom: Good morning, Bobby. What did you do last night?"
"Bobby: I met a friend at a bar. I had to push his stool in."
"Mom: That was very gallant of you."
"Bobby: Well, Mom, you know me. Always the gentleman. Do we have any bleach?"