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get it how you live

To use the means which are available to you based on your personal life situation.

Liberal White Man: Jamal, what made you decide to sell crack as opposed to other less illicit methods of earning money?

Jamal: Yo mane, I ain't got no education, I ain't got opportunities, out here you gotta get it how you live
Liberal White Man: Ah, I understand. Could I cop a brick?

Angry Black Man: Why do rich people always have to exploit poor people?

Rich Man: Often we find that, that is the most lucrative avenue available to us by virtue of our circumstances.

Angry Black Man: Ah, so I guess you say you gotta get it how you live

by Blackashell September 22, 2011

246πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

Live While We're Young

Living life to it's fullest while your young. Only Directioners will understand.

Kinda like YOLO, but better.

*At One Direction concert*

Me: I'm going to kiss Harry at the meet-and-greet.

Friend: No way. You can't do that. It's impossible.

Me: LWWY!! (Live While We're Young)

*runs up to Harry Styles, shoves the guards aside, and kisses him right on the lips.*

by @OliviaRaq August 23, 2012

60πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Live Fast, Die Young

Live fast die young (LFDY) is a slogan to encourage people to do what they want when the opportunity arises because tomorrow never comes. It is encouragement to take risks.

If you wanna do it, do it! Don't waste no time just being old. Live fast, die young!

by tsunami1416 January 1, 2022

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

shut the living fuck up

Shut the living fuck up is used when its predecessor "shut the fuck up" just simply isn't enough.

Used against highly annoying people, that won't stop even after being asked nicely.

Someone has been annoying for a whole bunch of people for a while (yelling, complaining, etc..) and none had the courage to stand up, until someone, that couldn't take anymore, just shouted "will you just shut the LIVING fuck UP!"

Satisfaction guaranteed.

by Djinne September 20, 2015

I eat poop for a living

a person or a sussy baka imposter eat poop for money B)

Bob: Hey Tim long time no see! what do you do for a living?
Tim: I eat poop for a living

by I eat dog chocolate July 28, 2021

Living My Best Life

Usually said by girls that just got over a break up and afterwards they start to β€œLive There Best Life” by having physical contact with a whole lotta penis. Living My Best Life = Big Hoe Phase

β€œLiving My Best LifeπŸ€ͺ” - SnapChat Hoe

by 607soundcloudrapguy September 3, 2019

166πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

She Lives Under Trees

A subtle way to call someone a slut.

Girl 1: I heard Courtney's with Brandon and Chase and Martin.
Girl 2: She Lives Under Trees
Courtney walks by...

Courtney: Isn't Matthew just so cute!

by foxy209 December 26, 2014

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž