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Jesus Mother Licker

One who thinks of himself as higher in rank than others. As high as Jesus. A concieted mama's boy.

"Yo, who do ya think ya are?! Just cuz you got millions in da bank don't give you the right to act like a Jesus mother licker."

by sucker CMC and Ray December 15, 2009

ur brother a mother

The most lethal and deadly insult. There is nothing that can be said to come back from this

Greg: ur mom gay

Ryan: ur dad lesbian
Greg: ur granny a tranny

Ryan: ur grandpap a trap
Greg: ur sister a mister
Ryan: ur brother a mother
*Greg instantly expolodes into a ball of fire as the galaxy explodes

by harryp03 March 17, 2018

Wal-mart mother

A mother who often shops at wal-mart and who swears at her kids in front of everybody. The wal-mart mother is often single and a bit crazy so she often threatens violence upon her kids.

I like these wal-mart mothers who swear at their children: "JEFFREY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!

by The roguesmiler August 3, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fairy Glenn-Mother

(n.) a fairy whom waits for you in your bed with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed at the ankles. However, you may notice that he is completely naked besides a small pair of fairy wings and an unmistakeable purple sparkly wand and glitter cloud following him. Take caution, he has been known to rape teenage boys. Like Nate. He may offer to grant you "wishes", but beware, he is only trying to get you in bed. Well it doesn't even have to be in bed. "Take THAT! And THAT!" You cannot mistake the fairy Glenn-Mother because when attempting to blend in with the general public he looks like a stoned hippie and speaks in monotone. But be cautious. One cannot hide their wings forever..

Nate: "Lilly! There was this naked guy in my bed with a ton of glitter who said he wanted to grant me wishes!"
Hazel: "Chillll Nate, Its just Fairy Glenn-Mother."

Wills: "Dude where's Nate?"
Dylan: "He's still a little pissed about being Fairy Glenn-Mothered."

Nate: "Dude! There is this naked guy covered in glitter laying in my bed!"
Hazel: "Does he have fairy wings?"
Nate: "Yeah,"
Hazel: "Shit man, looks like you got yourself a Fairy Glenn-Mother."

by someboredkids July 27, 2011

36๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mother's day torture

Extreme for of masochism endured by dysfunctional families (bunch of disgusting people living under the same roof) in which all forms of fake affection are mostly displayed through gifts in the form of electric appliances.

How was Mothersยดday at home this year?
Well, you know... same usual Mother's day torture... we gave the old fart a blender and a bunch of plastic flowers.

by rperazag May 6, 2010

109๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mother Puss Bucket

An expletive to yell when you are in an unfathomably-dire situation and your friends are terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.

<The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man looks up in anger at the Ghostbusters>

Peter Venkman: "Mother puss bucket!!!"

by SinDonor dammit January 28, 2009

82๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kentucky Mother Fucker

(KMF) 2 liter of Mountain dew(or other preferred beverage), drank down to the label, half of the empty space filled with vodka(or more, no less), with two kool aid pouches(or other drink mix) of desired flavor added. Get Drunk.

One Kentucky Mother Fucker for the night, please.

by Cak3 June 1, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž