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Patch Of Crazy

A patch of crazy refures to a pussy/(vigina for nerds) and idiots like to think its just a piece of writing and make fun of that not knowing what it is

Ben Bruce has 50 Patch Of Crazy even thou he is a boy.

by Alex W. April 4, 2007

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crazy brake syndrome

when your driving along following a car in front and they randomly hit the brakes for no apparent reason, usually on a long stretch of empty road.

main proponents of crazy brake syndrome are old people and new drivers.

can be shortend to crazy brake in conversation:

person 1: "I followed a car down here, and the driver suddenly got a case of crazy brake"

person 2: "Idiots, need to learn how to drive"

by lictor October 3, 2009

Catch the crazy turkey

When you and your partner are having sex and you both make gobbling noises, preferably during doggy, so you can lean forward in a grabbing motion, there fore catching the crazy turkey

Woman on hands and knees *gobble gobble*
Man taking her from behind: Get over here * grabs her by the sides of shoulders* I'm gonna catch the crazy turkey

by Krimson_bloodrayne December 12, 2014

Catching The Crazy Turkey

To have sex.

I hear Bill was catching the crazy turkey with Jess last night.

by /r/RoosterTeeth December 12, 2014

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crazy music teacher

A crazy music teacher is someone who takes an unnatural liking to his/her music students. Very rare.

Girl: "Man, Mr. Miller is crazy!"
Boy: "Yeah, he's a crazy music teacher."

by AboutThisGirl December 18, 2008

Crazy Cat Gentleman

They exist, they are the male version of a Crazy Cat Lady.

"Crazy cat gentleman! you have too many cats!"
"Bollocks, I can never have too many felines."

by Dr Internet August 18, 2016

damn thats crazy

your homie says some dumbass shit that doesn't deserve to be listened to.

homie: yo katie youched my hand!

you: damn thats crazy

by bigbuzzynigga March 30, 2020

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