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Yo Daddy yo Mama's pimp!


by person yo-yo June 11, 2003

2๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


an acronym for...
Party In My Pants

He sells hoes.. with a little action and parties in his pants on the side.

"hey girl how would you like to PIMP me out... we could get down and dirty... alllll night long.. oh baby"

by OneHotMoFo April 24, 2005

2๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


PIMP: it in my pocket

From some show on MTV

by A-dogg April 30, 2004

2๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very cool male whoe wears outlandish clothes and uses bizzles for profit, usually to buy socks. a pimp normally come from deal, hythe, woodtown or lenhem

bob, dickie, phobe and big all are pimps of the highest caliber

by bob denne February 4, 2004

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pimp juice

yet another set of definitions from not actually "listening" to what they say :) pimp juice, listen to the song. it means she only wants you for the stuff you have, not you

pimp juice, the shit you spend your money on to impress the opposite sex

"she only want me for my pimp juice"

by jyrome May 17, 2004

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tennis pimp

some one who is very 1337 at tennis

man, your such a friggen tennis pimp

by YoSHi March 22, 2005

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Pimp Limp

Once upon a time there was a pimp and one day he got in a skirmish with a local cop and while he was running away he got shot in the leg and had to walk with a limp. Now the pimp was limping around with a cane keeping up with his hoes. Every other pimp liked it and copy ed him and that's why pimps walk with a limp.

"look at that foo with da pimp limp"

by FRenchporker October 3, 2009

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