Source Code


Small fight or quick one.

1- "They're lucky, it was a skirmish before the principle could see them".

2- "Hush, I'm on multiplayer, a skirmish round".

by Yara S Korayem June 23, 2008

60πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A gathering or social occasion, particularly a night out with friends with an unwritten agreement that the scope of the occasion’s festivities will be limited thereby leaving the participants able to function with a reasonable amount of alacrity in the morning. Mostly commonly used for midweek drinking and people’s whose lifestyle involves constant weekly partying.

John rang up to enquire if Jenny was coming out clubbing tonight.

Jenny replied "Yes, but it'll have to be a skirmish I've got to work the next day".

by Grobelaar July 2, 2008

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The art of tickling a males balls or gooch.

Sarah was asked for a skirmish by her boyfriend

Daniel reached out and skirmished the man sitting next to him.

Rebecca was late to her first skirmishing class.

by poppilols February 10, 2011

18πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Skirmishing is a good natured game of getting fucked up out of your mind using items like Axe Choclate and Listerine spray. WARNING: This shit might kill you... (This is Insane shit)

1. Spray a plentiful amount of AXE Dark Temptations or AXE Chocolate as it is otherwise known as, into one region of your shirt and then sniff it out of your shirt untill your nostrils start burning like the Devils Cock in Death Valley.
2. Once your mildly high start running around the room saying things like "I'm walking on sunshine" or "Woah, Whales are swimming on the fucking rainbow."
3. Once you do step #2 for a minute or two one of your semi-high friends will be convinced that spraying a shitload of putrid tasting listerine pocket mist down your fucking throught and into your eyeballs, possibly damaging your cornia, will rid you of the highness, Fortunatley this just makes you even more high.

4. After semi-high particepent douses your eyes and throught with an ass load of listerine both of your Skirmish Buddies will beat the fucking shit out of you with hard ass pillows until your ass is covered in scars and your penis has folded inside out. by the end of this sequence you will be high as shit. This can get you so high it can kill you.

I had a shitload of bruises after skirmishing with Brian last night. A skirmishing person might say: "Why the fuck are there whales jumping over rainbows right now?"

by BS Bloggers June 13, 2010

7πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


The most beneficial "team building" sport for SSC operations staff.

by mrfu March 16, 2003

10πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Cyber skirmish

a romantic liason conducted mainly through various internet sites (such as Facebook, Skype, Beebo) which culminates in a one night or series of one night stands

Sarah thought she had a relationship with Dave after so much Facebook activity but on reflection she concluded that it has been a series of cyber skirmishes

by Rags 64 August 26, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Skirmish Frogs

A variation of the Battle Toads meme.

Also a site, http://skirmishfrogs.com , branched off from a site of a similar name created by Gaians getting mad at the non-Gaias making fun of them. About 3 people go here on a daily basis.

Person A: Screw this, I'm posting at Skirmish Frogs instead!

Person B: Have fun talking to the same 2 other people every day.

by Dekus February 15, 2009

27πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž