The natural habitat of “Victoria Mulqueen” and all other Victoria Mulqueens, often referred mistakingley as a school.
Did you hear she goes to the “tech”
Working in entry-level IT positions, and my income only allows me to occasionally treat myself to a pizza.
I go to George for all my IT needs, he is my go to pizza tech
Jiafei Tech. (aka. JIΛFEI) makes really weh products that make u drip from ur pants. Their product lines are the Product S, A, Flip, Fold, Book, Buds, Watch and T. Buy their products at or go to their TikTok, Instagram, and Discord at @jiafeitech
Jiafei Tech is a great cvmpany that makes WEH products
Like road rage but for technology. The rage and frustration from being stuck behind a slow and/or nonsensical piece of technology.
My government computer is giving me tech rage.
virgin: "tech tip: you can code using c++"
fbi: "virgin detected"