Source Code

cold turkey

What your dinner tastes like before you cook it

Turkey tastes better warm than cold

by claustrophobic chicken February 4, 2005

33πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Cold Cuts

A fun nighttime activity. Under the cover of darkness a man or woman sneaks into a morgue with a shoehorn, white mask, and a tuna grinder. Only after finding a deceased woman can the wild sex begin. The shoehorn is only necessary if the corpse’s pussy has become too stiff for penetration.

β€œCan cold cuts give cold sores?”

by Nob April 28, 2004

17πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

cold one

Strong Bad's favorite beer.

"A hot one isn't a cold one at all. A warm one's... almost a cold one."

by Luigi February 25, 2003

44πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž

cold shower

When your taking a shit and cold water splashes onto your asshole.

I got a cold shower at Arbys once.

by ed$ February 7, 2005

318πŸ‘ 1307πŸ‘Ž

cold finger

Metaphor for the medical exam administered for prostate cancer.

I'm going in for the cold finger today -- I hope the doctor has small hands.

by The Grottomaster April 28, 2011

8πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Cold eye

from MMORPG Maplestory, The most powerful Evil Eye form that resides deep within the Ant Tunnel dungeon. Resistant to ice attacks but weak to fire, they still have all the capabilities of their relatives. Handle with caution. Oddly enough, they also appear in a single tree three maps north of Ellinia. It lives with Drakes, Tauromacis, Wild Cargo, and others of its kind. People who hunt for strong monsters in Dungeon will most likely have to kill a lot of these buggers and get a lot of their infamously low level drop, pink cone hats, as a result.

Cold Eye
Level: 40
HP: 2,000
MP: 50
Avoid: 15
Knockback: 1
EXP: 85

Me: LOL I found a pink cone hat from cold eyes like 10 times now... >__> ITS PISSING ME OFF!!! DX

Buddy: ROFL failed *f3*

by Blackbaibi33 December 14, 2010

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Cold Spoon

Noun, a method of torture in which a metal spoon is extracted from liquid nitrogen after 5 minutes of cooling and is inserted violently into the torturee's anus.

He wouldn't talk until we gave him ye ol' Cold spoon

by FredDePieGuy October 5, 2017

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž