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Chuu from loona.
I am literally in love with chuu can do it on YouTube. And I enjoy chuu liking comments on how cute and happy she is.

Her smile can brighten up the darkest depths of the earth, chuu seems like the sweetest person ever. Her vocals!! Chuu’s high notes are absolutely beautiful (like her) and heart attack literally gives me a heart attack 😟😟
Heart attack is soooo good don’t get me started on the music video.

Stan loona for a better life 😘

The cuteness of chuu is killing me!!

by Beom January 15, 2021


Chuu from loona.
I am literally in love with chuu can do it on YouTube. And I enjoy chuu liking comments on how cute and happy she is.

Her smile can brighten up the darkest depths of the earth, chuu seems like the sweetest person ever. Her vocals!! Chuu’s high notes are absolutely beautiful (like her) and heart attack literally gives me a heart attack 😟😟
Heart attack is soooo good don’t get me started on the music video.

Stan loona for a better life 😘

The cuteness of chuu is killing me!!

by Beom January 15, 2021


Bubby or Abby as some might know her

He didn't know what cuteness meant, so I told him Bubby and he undestood immedietly

by TruthGod October 5, 2017

Cute as an onion

A very cute girl

Sarah is as cute as an onion

by Bmwellss April 22, 2022


Usually something you say when you are speechless or don't want to say, "Omg" or "Oh my god/gosh!"
Make sure to say it loudly to get peoples attention, it works for most people, if your a socialy awkward then this is nothing but a computer message, cause if you use this then people won't.... Whatever...

"Who do you think is better, me or Jessi?" Cathy said.
"Yea whose better?" Jessi answered.
"....." Kaelyn paused speechlessly, "CUTE PUPPY."

by Sickapple Nation February 21, 2016

cute arsonist

An adorable arsonist who always gets away with committing arson.

You’re a cute arsonist

by EmberTheCat October 6, 2021

cute d3vil

Cute D3vil is a YouTuber from Norway. She is knowned by the nickname Kate, but her real name is Bjørk. She dresses edgy and trendy. Her best friend is a guy, but she has more than one best friend, she has 3 (girl) friends and 3 guy friends . She is single. She looks older than she is.

Her friend would discribe her as kind hearted person who loves children and also is mysterious and powerful. While also being called thicc or slim thicc. With boys looking at her, Kate loves a little drama. People would discribe her as an Alfa.

Yo, have you watched Cute D3vil’s new YouTube video?

by Dicsucker68 April 27, 2019