Source Code

Pump Number 9

The furthest pump from the building (along with 10), commonly where most people park to steal from inside Gas Stations so cameras cannot see license plates.

Ice T joked he was robbed at pump number 9, referring to gas prices going up.

by Scientismo March 25, 2022

One Pump Stump

A one pump stump is when a male ejaculates after one pump in and out of a vagina. Also a short chode like penis.

"I had sex with the hottest girl last night to bad it was over quick because of my one pump stump"

by @ZayEatsAss February 24, 2017

Pump My Tires

When someone feels the need to speak highly of themselves, to increase their worth.

Person 1: Yeah, I am pretty awesome at soccer, after saving all of those goals.
Person 2: That, or you have some good defenders.

Person 1: Hey, hey...just let me pump my tires, okay?

by WingustheDingus April 4, 2015

Pump n’ tug

When you are hitting your girl’s pussy hard from behind in doggie and she reaches under and vigorously yanks and tugs on your flopping ball sack as you pump.

Rachel almost tore my sack off last night during a pump n’ tug. I was hitting that shit good.

by Eaton Holgoode February 8, 2018

Vancouver Truck Pump

When you need access to wifi so bad, you start giving out free hand jobs(at a minimum) for a little internet hit. Vancouver Truck Stops happen to be famous for such activity.

Aye buddy, how aboot we get some Vancouver Truck Pump action going, friend. I give you a hand job, pal, so I can get my daily fix of animal porn, guy.

by Peter Jamz August 6, 2016

one pump champ

A man who has a trouser monster that rivals those of the Greek gods and is said to be able to make a female ejaculate upon initial penetration.

Wow Chris, that was amazing! You are a true one pump champ!

by The One Pump Champ September 24, 2015

Yukon pump house

Having sex in a body of water of less than 5 degrees Celsius resulting in shrinking of the penis causing an unpleasant orgasm.

Man I just had a Yukon pump house

by Yukondaddy February 9, 2021