Buzz-watching is the activity of watching a television show or movie while under the influence of alcohol or marijuana to enhance the watching experience.
John: Hey, wanna buzz-watch Wonka this weekend?
Louise: I'm so down! You want me to bring some edibles?
John: Sure, but I think I'll just stick with beer this time around.
An attempt to fuck with the Planning Committee to make them think we have ambiguous plans months in advance when really we are going to crash their party with Dolphin Shots.
Hey, Wanna go Dolphin watching 8 weeks from now?
The process of Nawa creepily watching Mehroz getting ferociously pounded by a transgender.
This is no time or place for mehz watch you dirty shits!
Syakirah and that Chinese trainee girl is bossy. Watch the show at Produce 101??
Syakirah and that Chinese trainee girl is bossy. Watch the show at Produce 101??
A glitch in Minecraft, which is used as a method of keeping yourself entertained while you wait for your friends to get back online so you can prank them.
"Well, until my friend gets back, I suppose I'm just sitting here watching the squids fly."
What you tell your friends to trick them when you are caught sleeping with someone they know, even though it is so blatantly obvious that you slept together. Very futile trick yet the 'perpetrator' is typically convinced of its effectiveness.
Friend 1: I saw that "Insert name here" stayed over last night, was she in your room?
Friend 2: *Thinks so self 'Oh no they caught me I gotta be clever'* Yeah we just watched movies until we both fell asleep
Friend 1: So you slept in the same bed?
Friend 2: Yeah but I swear we only watched movies
Friend 1: Yeah sure man *wink* that's why there's a condom wrapper on the bottom of your bed
When you get a watch that in at the worst convenience
The Airman sucks “it” through a hole hard because he was told to he has barrel watch