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Drama Zombie

A Drama Zombie is an individual who infects groups, cliques, and friendships with bullshit and drama. Typically a preppy high school girl with a big ego, and starts rumors. Always blames everyone else for their own short comings. Don't be a Drama Zombie

Example 1Jason: Hey guys stay away from Becky, she's a Drama Zombie.
Example 2Julia: Me and Maxine aren't friends anymore, since some Drama Zombie named Becky started hanging out with her.

by Soul_Castor June 21, 2019

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Beer Zombie

An alcoholic with qualities of the un-dead.
Reanimated human corpse with constant desire to consume beer or other alcohol related beverages.
An intoxicated, maggot riddled, rotted & disfunctional drunk.

My pet BEER ZOMBIE hates you, but loves your guts.

by rrrwethereyet May 20, 2011

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Zombie Blowjob

When you get your bitch high on bath salts, then immediately wrap your dick in a hotdog bun, and offer it to her as a sacrifice and a testament of your love.

"I no long have a sick because I got a Zombie Blowjob."

by Canttouchthis8395939 October 19, 2018

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zombie summer

A meteorological phenomenon of a brief period of hot, sunny weather in autumn that occurs in the Northern Hemisphere after pretty much everybody thinks summer is already dead but instead it rises again in a less-desirable fashion.

Stupid Hippy: "Ahh I love me an Indian summer!"

You: "Shove it. These zombie summers piss me off. I already stored my jorts away for winter."

by pantsk October 11, 2010

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anus zombie

When you cut off a girls asshole and the tubing and put it on your head and walk around like a zombie.


by claire mammen August 27, 2008

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Russian Propaganda Zombies

Russia as a nation is the archetype of victims of propaganda, althought they are definitely collectively responsible for their second-rate Hitler, a.k.a. Vladolf Putler and his lust for the new Lebensraum. They're particularly prone to adopt all kind of isms and not least due to their slavish nature, meaning subjugated, ignorant herd souls. First they were enslaved by the Mongols, then they were serfs and eventually they became guinea pigs of the Marx's utopian society experiment. So these tools have found a new religion, again, and today they are jingoistic Putler followers that have ruined their future by following this delusional little man who started a large-scale offensive war against a sovereign country.

Vlad's "special military operation" has proved to be a real clusterfuck and Putinstan going to lose the war, propaganda zombies don't get it yet 'cause they are phlegmatic, thus Putler continues to tell fairy-tales. Talking about fairy-tales; if Putler had Pinocchio's nose that grows when he lies... Hmm, it doesn't work, it's hard to find such a long table even in the Kremlin that his nose wouldn't be on the lap of another liar sitting opposite of him - besides, it would look weird in pictures, not least of its homoerotic charge when Putler's nose would be e.g. on the General Gerasimov's lap.

It takes some time for the phlegmatic Russian propaganda zombies until they realize their megalomaniac little man has tricked them cause of his obsession, but sooner or later it will happen.

by O. W. Tongueincheek December 27, 2022

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Plants Vs Zombies

A game which can be played on the internet (mini version - 15 levels) or on a computer (full downloaded of CD version) and some iPods. The game is rather addictive, and the object of the game is to protect your house and ultimately your brains from the horde of undead trying to attack from your roof, front yard and back yard using plants. These plants include pea shooters of various forms, wallnuts (a nut that blocks the zombies), water lilies (for planting things on water), sunflowers (to provide sun so you can plant more plants) and mushrooms on night levels. There are also mini games such as Zombotany and Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick, and a Zen Garden where you can grow plant life to sell to Crazy Dave (the crazy neighbour/shopkeeper in the game) for money, which is used throughout the game to buy things for your Zen Garden or useful plant upgrades. May lead to cases of inzombia

Person: What are you playing?
Me: Plants vs Zombies
Person: Is it any good?
Me: Yeah, actually it's rather addictive

by selenetythecat March 11, 2010

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