There is a national dumb day so why not have a national clever day. This is on 20th November. Have fun on this day but dont leave out any dumb friend-
You can go up to anyone and say "hey its clever day today and you're so clever" 'coz why not.
The ability to answer all questions having consulted Google.
P - What does this mean?
D - <blah blah blah>
P - Wow, you're so Google Clever!
Clever missouri: A hick filled town where you go to...clear your thots.
Carl: Stan just went to clever to clear his thots. Sure hope he is vaccinated!
Joe: yeah those thots out there are definitely infected!
Clever Missouri place full of bad thots
A singular piece of citrus fruit
Can I have a clever of ur orange
kinda shy about love but willing to give a girl everything once he falls in love
wow i would really want to be a Clever
A Winnie the Pooh vhs released in 1997 as part of the Pooh Friendship vhs collection
The last Pooh video in the friendship collection is Clever Little Piglet
This is a common internet phrase used to describe people that use fallacies to trick unintelligent people into buying courses or following them
Steve: man I love Elon Musk, he’s the real life iron man
Todd: him? He’s a stupid persons idea of a clever person