Source Code

Passion Cramp

cramps experienced while or after performing a sexual act. It is advised to wait 15 to 30 minutes after eating before engaging in a sexual act to prevent passion cramps.

Jonny experienced passion cramps while running a train on Susie because he didn't wait 15 minutes after eating dinner.

by Annie Raven June 16, 2009

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blowers cramp

lips that are stuck out like a duck, usualy from too much dick sucking, causing your lips to cramp and stay frozen in a dick sucking position.

"Damn girl, you'll have to wait till you lose that blowers cramp before you'll be able to whistle again."

by TCW00dy March 18, 2004

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blowjob cramp

a. When someones jaw muscles are sore from giving blowjobs all day long they get cramped up and their mouth hangs open without showing any teeth.

b. When someones mouth is open forming a perfect O, showing little or no teeth.

Dude, shut your mouth man, you look like you got a blowjob cramp!

Shuttup man, did you just see that girl? she was HOT!!!

yeah, but she saw your mouth open and kept on going didn't she?

by hypo April 17, 2008

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Speller's Cramp

A grammatical affliction common among users of email, online chat, and text messaging, wherein the afflicted deem themselves too busy and too stupid to spell correctly.

"Were u at? Met me at the mal after wok and well go shoppeng. Oops. I got serous Speller's Cramp! LOL."

by tbonewilson July 22, 2009

Toe Cramp

A painful feeling when three of your toes (usually three) lock up and cause you to run around and scream like a complete idiot.

BF: Ahhhhh!!!
GF: OMG...what the hell is wrong?!
BF: F***, a toe cramp!
GF: Puss...

by LoudMann March 4, 2012

shit cramps

Cramps one gets from holding in their crap for too long. Usually happens during school or in a public place with either horrible restrooms, or none at all.

Billy: ughh!
Andrew:whats wrong man?
Billy:i dont wanna go to the resttom and my stomache is killing me!
Andy: thats shit cramps for ya.

by Robert956 December 14, 2009

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brain cramp

spacing out for a moment or becoming very confused.

if someone was saying something and you misheard them, you could say 'brain cramp' or 'I'm having a brain cramp' to explain how you're confused or explain something idiotic you said.

by shivani patel July 24, 2006

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