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when you have no father figure

did you hear joe is dreamsexual?
yeah his dad left him when he was 3

by Reee69 November 13, 2021


A sexuality on the asexual spectrum where you only feel sexual attraction in dreams. Also known as Sognaresexual or Yumesexual.

Not the attraction to the youtuber dream..

Person 1: "I'm dreamsexual."
Person 2: "Ew dream stan."
Person 1: "No! I only feel attraction in dreams!"
Person 2: "Oh!"

by beeeeeeeebo0 January 26, 2022


A Dreamsexual is someone who stans Dream, and thinks that they love him because they can't get a girlfriend in real life because they don't know what grass is.

Person 1: Guys! I'm a Dreamsexual!
Person 2, 3, 4, 5: Maybe this is why you were always a complete fucking joke. We could never joke about your life because it already is one. You free cost-co sample.

by Grass_Toucher69420 January 26, 2022


Someone who seriously needs therapy. They need it so much.

"I'm dreamsexual"
"You need therapy"

by lightningmcqueenkachow March 21, 2023


Dreamsexual₁ is the sexual attraction to the YouTube personality "Dream".
Dreamsexual individuals are portrayed as retards and social rejects by the majority of the internet.
The sexual attraction to the YouTube personality "Dream" is not an official sexuality, although Dreamsexuals like to think that it is.

Dreamsexual₂, also known as Sognaresexual and Yumesexual, is the sexual attraction to anything appearing in a dream.
Sognaresexuality is an official LGBTQ+ sexuality.

Jack: "Hey, I heard that Nathan is a Dreamsexual!"
Frederick: "Damn, I thought better of that guy."

James: "Hey, did you know that Frank is Dreamsexual?"
Freddy: "Oh, so thats why he's been having so many wet dreams lately!"
James: "Wait, how do you know that?"

by InternetExplainer February 9, 2022


A made-up sexuality created by dream stans that means that you are attracted only to the Minecraft YouTuber dream. Safe to say this sexuality is not valid in the slightest and is just kids having a celebrity crush and that's it. Dream himself has done nothing to stop this insanity, and in some cases actively encouraged it.

"Dreamsexuals are not valid at all. They are ruining the reputation of the LGBT, endangering kids, and need to be stopped."

by KrimsonKatt January 13, 2022


Dreamsexual is often used to define people that has never seen grass and are so desperate to be a LGBT member they use the title.

Person 1: I am dreamsexual
Person 2: According to the doctors you are also a failed abortion

by Matt_But_Better December 13, 2021