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gerio-erotic asphyxiation

when elderly people at the moment of orgasm cut off each others oxygen supply.

More people die each year in nursing homes from gerio-erotic asphyxiation than from becoming lost and falling down dead.

by chichioneputt March 22, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

auto-erotic asphixiation

The act of choking oneself or hanging oneself during the act of masterbation to accentuate orgasm.

the dumbass inxs singer "Michael Hutchence" died by hanging himself in the shower performing auto-erotic asphixiation with a belt.

by blue falcon 666 February 11, 2009

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auto erotic asphyxiation

Death/unconciousness as a result of any blockage of the windpipe during a sexual act. Usually when this phrase is used, it is in reference to something that proved to be fatal for the person involved.

Auto-erotic asphyxiation is not to be confused with strangulation methods that may heighten arousal in some individuals during sex. The act of asphyxiation involves either death or unconciousness.

They found Senator Smith's body last week in the red light district. Apparently he died of auto erotic asphyxiation. The media will have a field day with this!

by Tachikoma February 12, 2006

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Erotic food-acquisition

Where, in the process of acquiring food (whether it be in a school lunchline or drive through) you are in the process of foreplay with another, or yourself. In more extreme cases this may extend to sex but such acts are generally discouraged in public settings, exceptions do exist though.

Not to be confused with Erotic-food acquisition.

There are two types of erotic food-acquisition:subtle and stupid.

one resulting in "That guys voice kept changing over the speakers and he was breathing hard."

The other resulting in "That guy was getting head."

by hoolae April 13, 2010

erotic ping pong

The game in which a man and a woman play ping pong, the man with a paddle and the woman with her vagina which is used in the serve

God! laura aced me last night with a very "tight" shot

by Jonny Church June 3, 2003

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Erotic roleplay harassment

A form of sexual harassment that involves forcing someone into erotic/fetish roleplay without their consent or against their will. Usually happens on the internet and in chatrooms or livestreams.

Cole: *grabs your butt*
Anna: ugh just stop
Cole: *cums on your mouth*
Steven: @Cole You've done this way too much in the chat. Stop doing this to her or I'm permabanning you and reporting you for erotic roleplay harassment.

by Mr Laiuo August 30, 2017

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auto-erotic regurgitation

Having an orgasm while vomiting.

Shelly is Bulimic not because she thinks she is fat but because she is addicted to auto-erotic regurgitation.

by Kitty Katz December 31, 2010

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