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Baby I can't wait to see you I'm super excited thinking of us...I know the CREATOR is showing me everything 🥰 I've all ways loved you & will never stop let them say what they want stick up for no good men simply cause they believe in the power of wrong so much. Many a time's people become hung up on people's relationships to break them up to get the

person for themselves they're usually very lonely & are seeking another person's partner

to make them feel elevated which is very vile thing to do & please believe whatever you want,but why not look at why the person is dealing with you it's just to fulfill some sick

need or to avoid being held accountable by a partner? Imagine you will never walk down the isle with that person as they're already taken they have to hide to have a bit of FUN with you😬It's not just the married person who is responsible,but the person they're fooling around with too no one forced you to indulge

in shit. Plenty of married people are more than getting enough at home,but cause they've low Self-esteem & are grandiose they come out to play with all sorts some of them even cheat with siblings of the same family🤮


We will be in each others arms soon enough beautiful I-man rate you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

by Janet21 March 5, 2024


Baby I've been missing you so badly

little things you do like playing music

me kissing you all over sucking your toes

you have beautiful feet😛remember how

you'd sleep with your foot between my legs

& the fact you always encourage me to carry myself well?😊I love & care for you that'll

never change I won't let go your worth

so much to me if I had all the money in the world I'd give it up for you💕I'm proud of

you a virtuous woman & how you care for people them qualities rare🙌🏾🥰
Pussy nor multiple partners isn't answer, but one good woman trumps a million sex partners not to mention risk of HIV etc if a man can't take care of his wife step out the way please.Narcs can't see value of anything good including theirwives/husbands then all relationships end same way & only losers are them it's because they've such low self esteem constantly looking for the next plaything thinking everyone else is as soulless & duplicitous as them 🤔
Narcs think grass greener on other side an Empath on the other hand lets a Narc think they're playing the game,but stay true to themselves always not needing constant validation & adoration an Empath can hold

their own this makes the Narc afraid as Empaths are real not an empty shell who Blameshifts Lie Cheat + multiple partners no consideration of hurting anyone as long as they get what they want very low impulse control. People they cheat with won't see what they're getting till

it's too late😳


Narcs lie bout everything including finances then play dumb when you remind them of things they've said to you😂

by Janet21 April 21, 2024


Oh man he must shitting & farting himself to death your ♥️speeds up you get nightmares as you never know when a family member or friend will read all about you or find out what you been up to 😬 it's only a matter of time 🧭

Never mistake LUST for LOVE they're not the same thing mate..

by Janet21 December 6, 2023


This really made me laugh,what a dick head
Just imagine you old you marry a beautiful intelligent woman whom everyone mistakes

for your daughter. You have awful dirty teeth😂

However you are so fucking stupid you start to self sabotage your own life which means you are an absolute piece of shit.
You see someone who doesn't need you to live who has their whole life mapped out has great friends lovely family doesn't sleep with all & sundry.She is happy always authentic not fake like you cos we know if everyone knew the real you they would run in the opposite direction.
Yoú sir are a lying cheating disgusting manipulative hoe energy vampire who has come into her life to screw it up,simply cos you have low self esteem believe everyone to be dirty & disgusting just like you,so someone rare & good seems to shock you😳Yes mate there are still good people in this world you are an agent of the devil why don't you do us all a favour and get out of the way. Narcs never look at their selves old miserable & broken down, behave like they've all the time in the world 🥴
Learn a lesson she's too good for you.

I love her ♥️


You will learn when your back is against the wall. Lose her you fool,maybe one of your knock offs can have you instead.

One foot in the grave 😂

by Janet21 May 5, 2024


On nights like this I realize how much I love this poor OLD fools Wife I love her since the first time I seen her with him Errol I love you Wife don't feel no way bout it.You not the most perfect of man I've seen you in places with women you

got no business being around it still surprise me & some other men on how much of a hypocrite you really are for an OLD man I should be able

to look up to you,but after what I saw I wonder

if it's time to pay you family a visit let them know what a dutty low down cheating scumbag of a person you are.Your wife is Beautiful Smart Honest Sassy she always looks after people & don't need a man who don't understand the value of Good Woman. If I was you I'd be very careful & watch my back as the same people
you think are your FRIENDS are the same one's stabbing you in the back hoping to break up your marriage 🤷


You holding on to a lot of DEMONS you should cling to your Wife & remind her everyday she's the most important person in your life

by Janet21 December 24, 2023



How good your Wife is won't cover or cancel out all of your dirty deeds you cheating your lying you fake persona😂😂What kyna fool makes a fuckin stupid remark on his wedding day" If I die tonight at least me know me married a good woman"👀Yeah you married a good woman,but that remark after you tie the knot with the

love of your life it shows how much you

never deserved my beautiful friend whom

I've a special love for as you knew you were

no good from the start. She has a pure soul is kindhearted & caring those are good attributes. She's amazing not gullible & certainly doesn't need to sit gossiping about people the way you do or carrying out smear campaigns. When a toxic negative man gets involved with a good woman he tries to ruin her life too as he is inadequate in himself & believes he's entitled. Well you are not I've seen your works,so don't think God hasn't you are simply a weak man trying to stand on a strong woman's shoulders you are a quitter complainer & a Covert Narcissist the jig is up.
You cannot look in the mirror then tell us all

you like what you are becoming in the end a good woman has to give up on you too, but worse at your age shame on you really that's why you will always hear a narc say I hate myself for what I'm doing to you as they know they're doing wrong,but get off on the attention you will never walk in her Father's shoes he was a very good person just like she is my fear is you will fuck up her life with your behaviour it's not fair😔


Remember what Albert Einstein said about Life..

by Janet21 April 7, 2024



Baby I can't wait to hold you touch you or kiss you in all your favourite places🥰for I've loved since the first time I laid my eyes on you♥️ I've never seen such a beautiful or pure soul with a gorgeous warm smile to match such nice teeth.

I will see you soon keep smiling & always remember the best is yet to come I'm coming over from the States I'll keep you posted💕

You know who?🤗


One thing about narcissists they are charming demon possessed emotionally underdeveloped freaks without a soul that's why they hurt

people with feelings & always end up the loser...can never just leave someone alone out

of fear the partner will be happy with someone

by Janet21 April 4, 2024