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Golden Nonce

To do a tiny poo and blame it on the closest obese male

Matt felt cheeky and decided to pop a Golden Nonce and blame it on Ace

by Golden Nonce April 26, 2023

Golden Lunchbox

When you role play being kids at lunch, nut in a sandwich and as she eats it you hit her with a lunchbox.

Me and Kyle's mom did the Golden Lunchbox last night.

by Blumbo November 4, 2020

Golden Spino

An awesome Spinosaurus who is golden and animates in his free time. He is 100% pimp and gets all the pussy.

Golden Spino's cum tastes like popcorn, I suck him off all the time.

by WhoDatFreshBoi July 18, 2018

Golden Butthole

The most glorious piece of art on this side of the Clinton River; Beautiful view of this sight from the Chipotle on Hall Road. Best use of tax money in modern history.

When there are no clouds, the sun shines perfectly through the Golden Butthole.

by TOE17 November 12, 2019

golden slot

An expansion slot where one can insert their hard drive.

Hey girl, let me put my hard drive into your golden slot.

by LoveComputers April 19, 2020

Golden Climax

The first time you orgasm during coitus.

John: I golden climaxed last night.
Joe: I thought you lost your virginity 2 years back.
John: Yeah, but this is the first time I orgasmed during sex.

by Afrodog January 11, 2021

Golden Cuddle

The act of urinating in bed while spooning; usually occuring accidentally after a night of hard boozing.

"Girlfriend went aggro when I got passed out drunk and gave her the golden cuddle."

by VikingBall May 23, 2007