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A theropod that lived in Africa and Morocco 112.03 million years ago to 72. 1 million years ago in the Creatatious period. At first it was thought to be a full land dweller and with a build similar to the Tyrannosaurus Rex (Tyrant Lizard King) with a spine, but studies later found that Spinosaurus had a more crocodile like snout and most likely lived and hunted near water. But the same "closer to a T-Rex and mainly lived on land" idea was kept. As more more information was gathered, a new image of the Spinosaurus was made. The Spinosaurus was changed phenomenally from the first idea. Now it is thought to be pretty much a full water dweller only occasionally going out on land. Its arms were long with sharp, hook-like claws to snag fish. And it did not walk almost upright (the first idea of how the T-Rex walked, now proved wrong) it probably walked mostly on all fours (of course it would mostly swim). Its tail was also not thin and lizard-like. Instead it's tail was more like a paddle to help it swim, like a crocodile. It also hunted mainly fish, leaving less encounters with the Carcharodontasaurus, the other large predatory dinosaur that shared Spinosaurus's habitat. Though Carcharadontasaurus looked closer to a T-Rex. The end of Spinosaurus was caused by the earth warming up, the lakes and rivers that the Spinosaurus lived in dried up leaving no place for it to live and hunt.

I think Spinosaurus is the coolest dinosaur!

Yha, it is pretty cool, it acctually my second favorite dino

What is your first?




A theropod dinosaur which, due to recent finds, currently holds the coveted title of "biggest meat eating dinosaur", displacing Giganotosaurus, which in turn displaced Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Spinosaurus was relatively obscure among the general public until it was featured in the film Jurassic Park III, where it replaced the T-Rex as the film's primary antagonist, appearing on JPIII's logo and and killing one in a breif fight near the beginning of the film. This defeat, however, did little to sway the popularity of T-Rex; indeed, many fans reacted negatively to the outcome of the fight. Dinosaur fans often debate the true outcome of such a battle, though in reality it could never take place due to the Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus living on different continents and existing millions of years apart from eachother. It is generally thought that the Tyrannosaurus' superior jaw strength would give it an advantage in such a battle.

However, the depiction of the Spinosaurus in JPIII as an unstoppable superpredator was inaccurate. Its delicate, bony dorsal fin and long, gator-like snout armed with straight, peglike teeth (as opposed to the ribbed, serrated fangs of theropods such as T-Rex), indicate that this beast was a specialised icthyovore as opposed to a hunter of large dinosaurs, growing massive on a diet of fish, as well as pterosaurs, crocodiles and just about anything else it could swallow whole.

Spinosaurus is closely related to Baryonyx and Suchomimus, but not to the similar looking Dimetrodon, which lived before the age of the dinosaurs.

The Spinosaurus is the biggest theropod.
Spinosaurus is a specialised fish eater.

by Steve October 15, 2006

86๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spinosaurus was a large predator, attaining a length of up to 60 feet and 5 tons. Despite his size, the carnivore was depicted in eating fish, but may have hunted small-sized dinosaurs. The mouth of the therapd was designed to catch fish, rather than crush or kill. The skull and the fragments were quite fragile, so the therapod had a very weak bite.

Spinosaurus was also shown in the movie Jurassic Park 3. Being depicted as a much more stronger, smarter and larger dinosaur then its past star, Tyrannosaurus. Spinosaurus was also seen defeating the notorious T. Rex. Although the depiction is false due to the fact that both carnivores never met in real life. Spinosaurus had many fragile bones. Its long sails and crocodile-like snout were not as strong as it seemed to be in JP3.

Many JP Fans have been debating over which was better if the the two ACTUALLY met in real life. Though Tyrannosaurus Rex would've won if it fought the huge Spinosaurus. Tyrannosaurus was built for hunting medium-sized animals. Spinosaurus was built for eating fish, and the chances of it winning are 1.5%/97.5%. Because of this the dinosaur wasn't adapted to hunting and spent most of his life wading in water and catching fish.

Spinosaurus may have been bigger but didn't have strong jaws and wasn't as musculed as T. Rex was.

by JPFANBOY August 22, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A member of the Dinosauria, Theropoda, noted as having elongated spines on it's back. Carnivore.

2. The idiot dinosaur that starred in Jurassic Park 3, and took the place of the tyrannosaur.

3. Any dumb moron who does things without thinking.

4. Brainless wonder.

1. Spinosaurus was found in the Upper Cretaceous in Egypt and Morocco.

2. Did that Spinosaurus just break it's neck?

3. Loser. You could have thought about that before you did it. Spino.

4. Did that Spinosaurus just walk into a tree?

by Minstelae - a 'raptor who wants to kill the JP3 s July 1, 2003

72๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A dinosaur that became popular after Jurassic Park 3. I honestly think the battle between the T-rex and spino was inaccurate but the Spinosaurus is still my favorite dinosaur.

I Love Spinosaurus

by Dino LOVER399999 February 9, 2022


A dinosaur that became popular after Jurassic Park 3. I honestly think the battle between the T-rex and spino was inaccurate but the Spinosaurus is still my favorite dinosaur.

Like I still think the T-rex would win but I still love the Spinosaurus

by Dino LOVER399999 February 9, 2022


1. A large, fish eating dinosaur with a sail
2. The embodiment of chaos. Its final form is unknown and every single time a new fossil is discovered, depictions of it always change drastically.

Scientists: There's a new Spinosaurus fossil
Me: oh $#!+ what's going to happen next?!?

by KaijuNerd July 16, 2023