Big juicy fella with 12inch cockaronie
Ummm Cameron Henderson is almost as fit as Scott Mctominay
Henderson is normally known as a big beast like creature , the oldest of the Henderson usually has the most creepy nature and the mother commonly can’t see straight
Look at that family , they are definitely Henderson’s
A Henderson is a subspecies if goblin or hobgoblin which are known for their terrible cheddar penguin breath. They also hate “Cogglings” with a burning passion.
“Here comes Henderson, beware his breath wreaks of cheddar penguins.”
To unintentionally sabotage the work of others. (V.)
Luke needs to stay away from the project or he’s going to Henderson it.
A person that says they love you and they can't live without you but yet the same sentence says they hate you they wish they never met you they wish you were dead
He's pulling a Henderson again
A person or character who you perceive as extremely cool or based. “Hen” could be replaced as other words related to the person or character’s name, like “kenderson”, or “leenderson”, both references the characters Kenny and Lee from Telltale’s The Walking Dead.
“God *insert name* is just so based! He is such a henderson.”
The most sportsman guy there is. He is a hunk and one of a kind. Usually ends up with a girl that has the name Alexandria. And it’s true love. He’s a keeper and he will always be one of a kind.
Henderson loved baseball.
Henderson dates Alexandria.
Henderson is a hunk!