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iggy buddy

A friend on ignore status that you talk to from time to time.

Iggy - Ignore
Buddy - Friend

Totally a thing.

Hey, iggy buddy, what's going on?

by tardmuffin June 28, 2014

Sniggy Iggy

Sniggy Iggy’s are artistic and fun. They are usually fun sized(short) but at least they have a cute nick name! If you have a Sniggy Iggy consider yourself lucky


Other Girl- OH WOW IT IS

Sniggy Iggy- What oh hi

by Fellow Snigger January 22, 2020

Dirty Iggy

When you invite tiers of females to a party and only provide the address at the last minute to the B squad after any A squads have canceled.

Friend: Do you have plans Friday?

B Squad Girl: Yeah, Mark invited me to a party Friday but hasn’t sent me the address yet. I hope he isn’t going to pull a dirty Iggy.

by NATEHACKDOG November 24, 2021

Iggy Wanna

A strong, independent women who don't need no man

GURL u an Iggy Wanna

by Psycho burrito December 31, 2016

iggy binty

I get it (IGGY), but I'm not into it (BINTY)

Isn't Adrien Brody super sexy?
Tbh, Iggy Binty

by bishperfect November 16, 2017


To wank / post about wanking

Imma be iggying real soon

by Zeroworl June 5, 2022


one fruity gal

Iggy do do def has a crush on the new girl

nah she just fruity

by no one8482615141 November 24, 2021