A guy who would talk over you when you are having a convertion
Me: did you see the the game las
a kid with cooties. he got it from his bbg bethanya
bro oh crap this kids a matteo
that one cool guy whos good at boxing and knows how to make friends
also very charismatic if you ask me
Yo Matteo, you wanna watch the new Marvel Movie????
Matteo is the type of guy who at first might seem like an idiot but after knwing for a while you start to realize just how smart he is but oooooh no we haven't finished yet.....
He has an extremely large penis wich can pleasure any girl at her maximum not only that but he has some 8 pack abs and can cook better than gordon ramsay he loves cats is caring and loving and probably had more girls than most men in the world.
if you know a guy called Matteo you should straight up ask him out and or try to fuck him.
Altho he is secretely attracted to boys but does everything to hide it.
i love my Matteo
Matteo is someone who’s really handsome tall and 6’5 with curly hair and a long dick (1 foot 3 inches) hes amazing gorgues handsome amazing gets all the hoes
Bro i saw a matteo last night.
I wish i was a matteo
Jameson and coke with a lime and mint garnish.
Damn, that Matteo grande slaaaps