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someone in the streets but not making any moves, usually a lookout, or just hangs around with drug dealers. Others of more importance use him

"Ya nigga jn the trap but that boy a pawn"

by RnLiek March 14, 2017

Con pawn

Someone who blindly votes/leans conservative.

Think tool: an object to be manipulated.

Saw this guy the other day, shouting at everyone who would listen about how making America great again involved blindly following the conservative agenda. He spelled conservative wrong. Total con pawn!

by Jennbec1 March 22, 2018


Unwanted stuff from the end of a relationship. Including robots, crap spaceships, one wheeled cars and meaningless sciences.

Getting rid of the clown-pawn allowed me to establish a new and more meaningful relationship.

by freespark October 26, 2018

pawn hopping

making a day out of going to pawn shops

me and a friend are going pawn hopping, wanna join?

by Jakalbins August 3, 2021