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Planet wisp

It’s a planet that made its first appearance in the video game ‘sonic colors’
It’s a green alien planet, that’s also the 5th level in the game.

Sonic colors is a fun game and the best level from it was planet wisp, it’s best level in sonic colors cuz it has cool song.

da da dadaaaaa dadun, da da dadaaaaa da da.... 🎶

by Hitler the great June 15, 2020

phantom planet

they're "the best fucking band in the world!"

"The Snake"
"Eve don't go with Adam, go with me..."

by Kaleigh July 29, 2005

37👍 12👎

captain planet

A superhero who is made of the five elements: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Heart. These elements are represented by children who run around saving the world, and when in grave danger combine to form Captain Planet.

Kwame: "Earth!"
Wheeler: "Fire!"
Linka: "Wind!"
Gi: "Water!"
Ma-Ti: "Heart!"
All: "Together, we form CAPTAIN PLANET!"

by ryan_teh_awesome November 17, 2005

69👍 27👎

planet x

a planet that scientists hypothesize is found beyond pluto. we cannot see it due to our meek scientific technology. there are cosmic radiation signals or something being emitted that make other planets orbit right or something like that that pluto cannot cause, so therefore there must be another planet doing it.

"we will one day find planet x"- some scientist.

by thegreatmonkey February 15, 2005

72👍 28👎

animal planet

A great television station to watch whilst stoned.

Stoner 1: "Did you see that? That guy's proper pissing that snake off. Animal Planet rocks."
Stoner 2: "What...? Yeah... Is that my twos yet?"

by Shinzou April 8, 2006

65👍 25👎

Planet of the Apes

The term "Planet of the Apes" generally refers to any gathering of five or more people of the African American community.
This could be anywhere from schools, jobs, KFC, ect.
The term is mainly used by those who are racist or prejudice towards the African American community.

Can also be used in reference to Africa.

Damn, my school turned into planet of the apes this year with all the football recruiting they did.

Guy1: Why have you been so short on cash lately?

Guy2: I had to quit my job. The place was really turning into a planet of the apes with all the finnah s they were hiring.

by JMaruante July 28, 2009

69👍 29👎

Forbidden Planet

One of the greatest sci-fi films ever made. Holds up very well today even though it was made in 1956. Stars Leslie Nielsen, Walter Pidgeon and Ann Francis. Special effects by folks from Disney Studios. Introduced the amazing "Robby the Robot". Cool electronic music score. Joins "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and "The Thing from Another World" as the most enduring sci-fi movies from the 1950s.

The first time I saw "Forbidden Planet" I was ten years old and couldn't sleep for a week!

"Sorry, miss. I was giving myself an oil-job." - Robby

"The fool, the meddling idiot. As though his ape’s brain could contain the secrets of the Krell." - Dr. Morbius

by Apesbrain October 7, 2010

12👍 2👎