When multiple penises attempt to enter the same mouth at one time. Winner goes first. May result in lipstick wearer receiving a pearl necklace.
Me and my two buddies pulled a lipstick raid on Tonya. I won and gave her a beautiful pearl necklace. The raids repeated all night.
To steal something of value without fear of getting caught, even if there’s multiple witnesses
Pull up on your groupies I ain’t afraid to bullet raid
A person with a raid weapon or armor piece and has never done a raid before
Look at that raid fag he has never done a raid lmao
While the victim is asleep a group of friends sneak in the room close all the windows fart stinky farts all at once and wake up the victim. Then they lock the victim in their room forcing the victim to smell the farts!
Man tonight I will host a fart raid on Alfred after he was flirting with my girl!
The act of stealing beer out of coolers from peoples campsites in the middle of the night.
We went cooler raiding last night and got a bunch of beer from someone's campsite while they were sleeping.
Uncontrollable anger expressed during a WoW Raid
Raid Rage example: Screaming in vent at your teammates during a raid for "MORE DOTS" ;)
1. When any one goes on a computer to look for sexual images to enlarge their richard for more then 2 hours.
2. Every Friday
I just can back form a major porn raid , don't bother me .
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