Source Code

Rule 33

When in doubt it's a man. This internet rules applies to guessing the gender of a forum, chatroom, or instant messenger user.

When trying to figuar out a online users gender remember Rule 33.

by D.B.H. January 2, 2007

1514πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž

Rule 2298

The Rule Stating The Maximum Number Of Favorites On YouTube. The Number Is Not Influenced By Any Reason.

YouTube Message: You Have Reached The Maximum Number Of Favorites; Being 2298.

Random YouTuber: FUUUUUUUU!!!!

YouTuber's Mom: Rule 2298.

by Meta_Knight October 16, 2011

FFF rule

If it flies, floats or fucks, don't buy it. Rent it. That's the FFF Rule.

"Dude, never buy a boat. If it flies, floats or fucks, rent it. That's the FFF Rule." - Anonymous

by idyt December 5, 2016

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

rule 34

there is porn of everything somewhere.

Bob: is there bird porn?
Steve: Apply rule 34

by ducky1998 May 9, 2012

1126πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž

Rule 245

The rule that SSoHPKC is always hot.

Person 1: "Whoa, Seamus looks so weird with that derp face doesn't he?"
Person 2: "Rule 245, rule 245."

by Goldhugz July 30, 2011

85πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The Applebee's Rule

A rule usually made among a close group of high school or college friends stating that the first person in the group to lose their virginity gets a free dinner at Applebee's paid for by the other members. The rule can sometimes be extended to include all members with the last one usually getting a steak dinner marking a celebration of entering adulthood.

Yo, I just lost my V-Card, are we still going through with The Applebee's Rule?

by Noiren October 22, 2018

38πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

sidewalk rule

When a man and a woman are dating, the man walks on the part of the sidewalk closer to the street and the woman walks on the inside of the sidewalk further from the street.

*girlfriend and boyfriend walking on the sidewalk not following the sidewalk rule*
woman: β€œlet’s switch spots in order to obey the sidewalk rule”
man: β€œthe what?”
woman: β€œβ€¦it’s time to break up”

by Grace knows best March 28, 2022

281πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž