Ancient *Old Divine* divine Barrier Holder *Gates
"What's is the oldest gates in the universe?" (The Ancient divine barrier holder) or the old divine Gates.
When, in a relationship, farting in front of each other is not acceptable. Breaking the sound barrier is the point at which the first fart takes place in front of the significant other.
I always have a tummy ache when I leave my boyfriends place.
Because we haven’t broken the sound barrier yet and I have wicked gas.
A group of two or more baby boomers creating a barrier, usually by talking in public spaces.
Hey Kyle! Watch out for the boomer barrier on aisle three!
Noun. The line between the layer of melted marshmellow and the rest of the hot chocolate - clearly visible in a clear mug by a marked change in color, but otherwise determined by a sudden and marked change in temperature
Be sure to sip that hot chocolate slowly - if you cross the marshmellow barrier you'll scald all the way back to your tonsils.
Noun, the phenomenon where the drinker (typically of whiskey) crosses the line between amiable drunkeness and becomes a miserable fucking cunt.
The name given to the metaphorical chastity belt imposed by a normally sexually generous woman in response to outrageously drunken conduct.
Mark, "I got so cunted last night I crossed the whiskey barrier and became so fucking depressed I could have cut my own head off if I was not so uncoordinated."
Barry, "I'll just have just the one tonight, I am feeling fucking horny and I don't want the missus to drop the whiskey barrier like last time."
To leave something in the dark without everyone knowing, then suddenly announcing and startling everyone.
Samantha was being a Barrier Breaker by hiding her friends present until last.
The act of nullifying a 2 goal deficit in a game of football.
An effect that hinders a team from scoring a third goal in a two nil situation.
See also aids
3-2 win? That's the two nil barrier.
They've scored a second goal, the two nil barrier is in effect.