A term invented by Alysha to define privileged minorities at Ivy leagues who have a wokerior complex
That woker than thou bitch only wanted to talk to me when she figured I'm Hispanic
A girlfriend/boyfriend that you fuck in a locker
A short word for 'thousand' or bna app slang
Spent a 'thous&' dollars clearing bills
Short word for 'thousand'
When u get your first pay cheque and u see ninety 'thous&' dollars...🤑
To address someone by the second person pronoun “thou”. Back when this term was first used, it would often have been said in contempt as Thou was seen as an informal and potentially rude form of address. However nowadays, since Thou is considered by many to be more formal and respectful than the ordinary sounding “you”, it can have the exact opposite meaning and be taken as a great honor.
Historical usage: “Do not thou me, peasant, else I shall give thee a taste of this steel blade!”
Modern usage: “Did you just thou me? Oh my goodness…I’m so flattered!”
Short for “thousand island dressing”
Hey man, you want to order some extra thou for these corned beef egg rolls?
a fancy way of saying the classic your mom joke.
guy: ah yes sir, thou art quite annoying.
other guy: FIE! thou mother/thy mother is incredibly ravishing.