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a person who cannot accept the cruel, natural order of life on this planet.

from this standpoint, they tend to abstain from all things regarded as coming from an animal, which foolishly denies them all foods which are tasty. as a result, the rest of us get to eat more chocolate, cheese, butter and meat. delicious meat.

the fact that these products create a pleasurable taste/smell is because the brain approves of the nuitritional content, but through the tragic infliction of the brain rotting disease; veganism. the subjects maintain that the moderate eating omnivore is risking their own long term health by consuming them. invariably they look on meat eaters/leather wearers as some kind of evil, set on the idea of inflicting pain on animals because we're lazy.
the sad irony of the preaching vegan is that they dont tend to realise that the only torturous behaviour is theirs. tell it to the lions, because im not listening any more.

vegan of the 16th century: because of my diet of nuts and grass saplings i will live a long, healthy and morally superior life...
(that winter the poor fool died of cold explosure because they refused to use leather)

by bluefish July 17, 2004

103πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž


Unlike most forms of retardation, veganism is a choice. Common symptoms of veganism include the loss of friends, being beat up and being rightfully labeled as a faggot.

Synonyms: Faggot, Retard, Homo, Loser.

Hey Barry, want bacon and eggs for breakfast?

No sorry, I'm a vegan/retard.

by Anderson-Kun February 14, 2017

14πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Known to many as a modern day Nazi, the VEGAN is someone who refuses to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, or any other food that is made from that of animal products. People who are mostly vegans include soccer moms, girls with eating disorders, preps/preppies, members of the imfamous terrorist organization known as PETA, people who are obsessed with perserving the enviorment, and morons with more morals than brains. Vegans suffer from lack of protein, which causes diseases such as anemia, an unhealthy look, and a snobbish attitute to those who do not share the vegan's point of views.

Because she was a vegan, Madison became known to her classmates as "skeletor girl" because she looked like a skeleton, due to her lack of protein. Madison also was obsessed with animal rights and had begun insulting people at her school who wore leather and ate meat. Needless to say, she was her school's most hated student.

by smart_girl July 17, 2003

133πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž


Vegetarians that not only choose to avoid ALL animal products, but also impose their beliefs on those of others.

Also, grain used in feeding cattle is not suitable for human consumption.

This vegan bitch told me to put down my hot dog, so i rammed it into her temple and gave her a strawberry milkshake.

by ben February 26, 2005

92πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž


Just two steps above Anorexia.

Vegan <-- There it is!
Shadow Vegan

Doesn't get much worse...

"Ya crazy vegan!"
"At least I'm not anorexic"
"pretty dang close!"

by The squished tomato February 24, 2005

98πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž


Dumbass who can’t be gay

Hi are you vegan


Fuck u

by Pickle5977 April 25, 2022


being weak

Jimmy: Hey I'm vegan!

Neutron: weak shit

by Yoda's last name January 1, 2021