Having a slow and shitty wifi connection. Used because Walmart is shitty and cheap. Cheap wifi=slow wifi.
"Damn, look at all this lag!"
"Walmart wifi!!!"
An internet connection so bad that it makes the game you're playing back in time.
Popularized by youtuber Alpharad.
Person 1: Damn, i can barely move because of this guy's kmart wifi.
Person 2:
Person 2:
Haha wifie wankin (in mels world) - a woman using her fingers or toys to pleasure herself untill she climax-s..... HAHA
Last nicht i Ws rubbin it as hard a got a friction burn, love a 'wifie wankin' session that a do though
The type of wifi during this shit ass pandemic where everyone uses the internet causing issues not making the internet work
You try to watch the 11th episode of your new harem but your corona wifi says nope
The enchantment table language on the back of the router.
Person 1: Hey bro what's the wifi password?
Person 2: ̇/⋮↸ꖌ∴リᓵ𝙹ᓭ⍑↸ᓭꖌ↸⍑ᓭ𝙹リᓵꖌᓭ⍑↸ꖌᓭ╎ᓭꖌ ̇/𝙹ᒷリ↸ꖌ↸⋮↸ꖌ𝙹↸⍑ᓭ𝙹ᒷリ ̇/!¡∴⚍⎓ᒲᓭo↸⍑ ̇/∴𝙹リ↸ᓭ𝙹4ᓭ⍑ᒷ𝙹↸⍑ᓭꖎ∷リ ̇/𝙹3⍑ ̇/𝙹ᒷ⚍⋮𝙹⚍ᓭʖ𝙹⨅⍑ᓭ𝙹ᔑ⋮ꖌ⋮.
Person 1: ...Nevermind then.
A girl that is only with you because of wifi
See that wifi digger over there, she's only talking to him because he has a hotspot