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Alternative facts

1. "Facts" believed by dumbfucks in their alternate reality.

2. Lies
3. Bullshit

A dumbfuck: "I wasn't lying! I was stating alternative facts!"
An intelligent person: "No, they weren't alternative facts, you were blatantly lying!"

by Keeper of Critters January 28, 2017

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alternative Revolution

A music revolution that started in late 1991 and ended in the mid-90's (there is controversy over what exact year it ended). It was characterized by the rise of various music styles such as Grunge and Industial, as well as the beginnings of Pop-Punk. This time period was also associated with the rise of Grunge fashion and the rising popularity of independent films (or films styled as independent films, such as Clerks).

This revolution was, unfortunately, corrupted by corporate America, which took the elements of the Alternative Revolution, ironed them out, and sold to mainstream America. By the mid-90's, the revolution had become commercialized, ultimately resulting in the end of the revolution and the rise of corporate "alternative radio" which is hardly alternative at all

Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Green Day, The Offspring

by sonikuu113 March 31, 2005

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Alternative Facts

Definition: Things I want to be true
Synonym: Truthful Lies

Alternative facts have been brought forward today which show that death is good for your health.

by Censored Historian January 25, 2017

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alternative facts

The worst of the four classifications of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, alternative facts. Alternative facts are distinguished from the other damnable lies by the addition of gaslighting the listener.

After backing up her false statements with alternative facts, Kellyanne Conway threatened the "dishonest" media for suggesting that she might be lying.

by Bogrimm January 22, 2017

4909๐Ÿ‘ 2703๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alternative Facts

a lie or false statement / the quality of being false/ bullshit / propaganda /

narratives often used by the Trump Administration via propoganda officials such as Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) and Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) devised to counter facts and provable realities in order to steer or sway opinions in favor of their own benefit - which is generally the agenda of their very insecure and emotionally need boss.

Climate change is not supported by science, and we will provide you with alternative facts that the dishonest press should be covering.

by Dr. Parrot January 23, 2017

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queen of alternative

the queen of alternative is none other than the jazzy sultry singer lana del rey whom arguably created the alternative genre as a whole

the queen of alternative never misses. lana outsold

by queen of alternative September 13, 2020

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aLtErNaTiNg CaPs

1. when typing, one alternates letters with caps or no caps.

2. a very pointless way of typing! read: not cute.

1. wHy DoEs ThIs tYpInG eVeN eXiSt?

2. oH mY gAwD!

by andreacky772 September 5, 2004

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