Source Code

Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate used for turning cocaine into crack.

"I just bought some common baking soda at the store. I'm gonna use it as a base to cook this coke into free-base crack cocaine. Then I'm gonna sell some and smoke the rest. Party!"

by TunaPlusMayo June 3, 2017

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Fake and Bake

A tan that has been took TOO FAR. These are the people that tan five times a week and still complain that theyre 'Too pale' You'll Often find these people wiht heavy makeup that makes then look almost like a Ritz crackers with some unknown spread. These people are also known to get skin-cancer and still think it was worth it.

Guy1:"Dude...That Lady...She's so...Tan.?"
Guy2:"Thats Abby...Shes tans twice a day... I think she baths in tanning oil..."
Guy1:"How can people even stand getting a Fake and Bake...? You look soo..."

by DuhLindsey July 2, 2009

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hella baked

When one is so high on marijuana that the term baked doesn't quite describe the mental status of the individual, so they are referred to as hella baked

Dayyyuumm that fool iz hella baked!!!

by Annonymous posta. June 13, 2015

Sugar Bake

Whenever your butt juice and taint juice mix together at the prime meridian of your pants and leak through to the chair your sitting in.

I wouldnโ€™t sit there if I were you, Itโ€™s bound to be sugar baked.

by DaltonAndJohnsWords February 13, 2018

Baking a meatloaf

When a bald guy wears a baseball cap and gets a sunburn, and the resulting burn pattern resembles a hunk of meatloaf on the back of their head.

Max: "Woah, looks like you're baking a meatloaf on your noggin!"
Thomas: "Damn, should've worn sunscreen I guess!"

by Fidelcashflow88 September 23, 2019

baked bae

Use this word to refer to your significant other when they have smoked a lot of marijuana.

"Cody, you are baked bae right now!"

by 7777forever October 7, 2015

Bake Route

Driving around in a car for the sole purpose of getting high.

Gary: Let's go on a bake route
Paul: You get your car, I'll get my weed

by Carpetshaver7 December 16, 2009

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