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When a guy or girl is talking about how they feel about their "crush" or who they like.

Kelvin: So do you like anyone Mick?

Mick: Yeah, im kind of "crushing" on this girl Logan

by aw_run March 28, 2007

214๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Crush" in the relationships/love sense can have two meanings.

Meaning 1:

The "puppy love" or "OMGSOHOTIWANNADOHIM/HER" kind of crush. The kind when you see someone attractive or cute, you'll basically love them. Most commonly associated with adults such as teachers and celebrities (Brad Pitt and Jessica Alba being common ones). 99.9% of the time, these crushes aren't serious, just a silly little infatuation. Some girls/guys may keep posters of their celebrity crush, masturbate to them or really just like them for the sake of their friends.

Meaning 2:

The REAL kind of crush. When you have a good-looking or nice/funny/generous/etc friend of the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing) or an acquaintance/stranger such as "the guy/girl in my class". In the case of a stranger or acquintance, it COULD be Meaning 1, but if you find yourself a bit more.. obsessed, then it's Meaning 2.

These crushes are painful to experience, but also exciting and addictive to experience. Even if you feel you might not ever get to go out with your crush, you still enjoy the adrenaline and excitement of having a crush; having him/her talk to you, seeing him/her around school/college/university, and reading his/her Facebook or MySpace.

Crushes tend to have a 50/50 success rate. Some fail, some succeed, so keep optimistic!

Meaning 1 Examples:

Karmia has a crush on Matt Damon ever after watching his Bourne films. She has his autograph and has a poster of him upon her wall. She knows she'll never go out with, he's a celebrity and probably forgot who she was by now, but she still admires his looks. Just like Jamie has a hot Physics teacher who he'd love to do, of course, she's 35 and married with 2 children, he's only 17. So no chance, but he enjoys playing with his imagination.

Meaning 2 Examples:

Steph has a crush on a guy that was in her Geography class. She thinks he's hot initially, BUT also finds he's a nice and humorous person, she speaks to him every now and again, but he has no idea she's crushing on him. Luckily, he is single, and she is speaking to him more and will eventually go out with him. Of course, bad news for Ben who has a crush on his female best friend, Olivia, because he's just found out she's going out with a boy named Daniel.

by Crusherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr October 3, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A desire to be with someone and make them happy, no matter what it takes.

In other words, painful.

I have a crush on that girl...

by Shoomkin October 25, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you are infatuated with someone. it may be their looks, talent, or whatever, but it's usually fleeting and very shallow. people who have crushes usually tend to overlook any flaws or anything.

he thought he was in love with me but it was just a crush.

by better than youuuuuu November 16, 2005

137๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone You Have Strong Feelings For Even Though There A 0% Chance They'll Like You Back

"Why doesn't my crush like me.?"

by Sam Smiles May 6, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. To pulverize, to destroy with force
2. A childish reference to someone you're in puppy love with.
3. Hopeless infatuation with a person.

"All my dreams have been crushed!"

"I have a crush on Jon; he is so cute!"

by Paresthesia November 24, 2005

59๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. the process by which people are killed when thrown beneath a steam-roller or other placed in between two solid surfaces with force being applied toward them that the body cannot withstand.

Sumbuddy: Hey, hao es your familie?
Guy: They got crushed by a bus and died.
Sumbuddy: Daz so sad...wanna get iscreem?

by Ken R. November 23, 2004

1472๐Ÿ‘ 923๐Ÿ‘Ž